0fDEBIAN E-MAIL LISTS07 If you have WWW access, you might want to first look at our Web page 0fhttp://www.debian.org/07, follow the link labeled 0fMailing List Subscription07 to see an overview of the 80+ lists associated with The Debian Project. A convenient subscription form is available on the 0fMailing List Subscription07 web page. If you know the name of list you are interested in, you can subscribe manually by sending an e-mail message to 0fdebian--REQUEST@lists.debian.org07 containing the word "0fsubscribe07". Communication with other subscribers to the list is through the 0fdebian-@lists.debian.org07 e-mail address. Where is replaced with the name of the e-mail list of interest. For example, if you wish to report a problem or need help with installation of Debian packages: send the word "0fsubscribe07" in a message to 0fdebian-user-REQUEST@lists.debian.org07; then send a detailed explanation of your problem to 0fdebian-user@lists.debian.org07. Your message will be read by hundreds of Debian users, and someone will be sure to help. Press <09ENTER07> or type boot method, arguments, and <09ENTER07> to boot. Press function key <09F107> for the help index.