@ECHO OFF IF "%1"=="" GOTO eparam IF NOT EXIST ..\lang\%1\debian.txt GOTO edir ECHO Insert the rescue floppy in drive A: PAUSE COPY ..\lang\%1\*.* A:\ /Y IF x%1 == xpt COPY ..\lang\fonts\lat1u-16.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xda COPY ..\lang\fonts\lat1u-16.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xes COPY ..\lang\fonts\lat1u-16.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xcs COPY ..\lang\fonts\iso02g.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xhr COPY ..\lang\fonts\iso02g.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xhu COPY ..\lang\fonts\iso02g.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xpl COPY ..\lang\fonts\iso02g.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xsk COPY ..\lang\fonts\iso02g.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xeo COPY ..\lang\fonts\iso03g.psf A:\font.psf IF x%1 == xru COPY ..\lang\fonts\koi8-r.psf A:\font.psf GOTO end :eparam ECHO ERROR: usage: setlang [lang] ECHO [lang] can be one of ca cs da de eo es fi fr gl hr hu it ja ko pl pt ru sk sv tr ECHO Remember to use lower case for language name! GOTO end :edir ECHO ERROR: Directory %1 does not exist :end