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Attempting defaults... /sbin/init/etc/init/bin/init/bin/shNo init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.<5><5>Kernel command line: %s Booting kernelstart_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled early <2>initrd overwritten (0x%08lx < 0x%08lx) - disabling it. HOME=/TERM=linuxinitVFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s Please append a correct "root=" boot option VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %sNo filesystem could mount root, tried: /dev/root<5>VFS: Insert %s and press ENTER readonly/sys/block/%s/dev%u:%u/sys/block/%s/range/syssysfs/dev/nfs<6>Waiting %dsec before mounting root device... mtd<5>RAMDISK: Loading %dKiB [%ld disk%s] into ram disk... done disk #%d. Error closing the disk. disk #%dError opening disk. Loading disk #%d... %cdone. <3>%s RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data<3>RAMDISK: incomplete write (%d != %d) %ld incomplete literal treeincomplete distance tree/dev/ram<5>RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d. <3>RAMDISK: Couldn't allocate gzip buffer <3>RAMDISK: Couldn't allocate gzip window bad gzip magic numbersinternal error, invalid methodInput is encryptedMulti part inputInput has invalid flagsinvalid compressed format (err=1)invalid compressed format (err=2)out of memoryout of input datainvalid compressed format (other)crc errorlength errorRAMDISK: image too big! (%dKiB/%ldKiB) /initrd.image<3>RAMDISK: could not determine device size <3>RAMDISK: could not allocate buffer root floppy disk to be loaded into RAM disk/dev/root.old/old/linuxrc<5>Trying to move old root to /initrd ... /root/initrdokay /initrd does not exist. Ignored. <5>Unmounting old root <5>Trying to free ramdisk memory ... linuxrcjunk in compressed archivecan't allocate link hash entry070701no cpio magiccan't allocate buffersjunk in gzipped archiveTRAILER!!!<6>checking if image is initramfs... it is it isn't (%s); looks like an initrd broken paddingCalibrating delay loop (skipped)... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS preset <7>Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) (<4>Galileo: PCI retry count exceeded (%02x.%u) <4>Galileo: masking unexpected interrupt %08x cascadeYou can switch the machine off now. Cobalt RaQ2MIPS CobaltCobalt QubeCobalt RaQCobalt Qube2Cobalt board ID: %d dma1timerkeyboarddma page regdma2PCI memoryPCI I/OCobalt: early console registered CPU revision is: %08x FPU revision is: %08x Checking for 'wait' instruction... available. unavailable. <6>Unexpected CPU of NEC VR4100 series Unknown Au Core!Unknown Philips Core!%s: unaligned epc - sending SIGBUS. %s: DSP branch but not DSP ASE - sending SIGBUS. CPU%d %3d: %10u %14s %s, %sERR: %10u unexpected IRQ # %d Can't analyze schedule() prologue at %p memory: %0*Lx @ %0*Lx (usable) (ROM data) (reserved) type %lu Ooops! Too many entries in the memory map! Determined physical RAM map: mem=User-defined physical RAM map: rd_start= rd_start=rd_size= rd_size=<4>Warning only %ldMB will be used. <4>Use a HIGHMEM enabled kernel. Initial ramdisk at: 0x%p (%lu bytes) initrd extends beyond end of memory (0x%0*Lx > 0x%0*Lx) disabling initrd System RAMreservedKernel codeKernel data<2>How did I get here? Using %u.%03u MHz high precision timer. ET EE EB EI E1 E0 Error bits: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s IDX: 0x%08x Can't handle the cache error! Code: (Bad address in epc) %c%08x%cdis<6>Cache parity protection %sabled <6>Enable cache parity protection for MIPS 20KC/25KF CPUs. <7>SDBBP EJTAG debug exception - not handled yet, just ignored! <7>c0_depc = %0*lx, DEBUG = %08x Cache error exception: cp0_errorepc == %0*lx c0_cacheerr == %08x primaryinsnDecoded c0_cacheerr: %s cache fault in %s reference. ED Call Trace:[<%08lx>]Call Trace: Stack : ... (Bad stack address) %0*lxCpu %d $%2d : %*sHi : %0*lx Lo : %0*lx epc : %0*lx ra : %0*lx Status: %08x KUo IEo KUp IEp KUc IEc KX SX UX USER SUPERVISOR KERNEL BAD_MODE ERL EXL IE Cause : %08x BadVA : %0*lx PrId : %08x Caught unexpected vectored interrupt.Caught reserved exception %ld - should not happen.Index : %0x Pagemask: %0x EntryHi : %0*lx EntryLo0: %0*lx EntryLo1: %0*lx not Caught Machine Check exception - %scaused by multiple matching entries in the TLB.Caught WATCH exception - probably caused by stack overflow.Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo=%p, task=%p) %s[#%d]: Fatal exception in interrupt<0>Fatal exception: panic in 5 seconds Fatal exceptionNMI taken!!!! NMI<7>Thread Underflow <7>Thread Overflow <7>Invalid YIELD Qualifier <7>Gating Storage Exception <7>YIELD Scheduler Exception <7>Gating Storage Schedulier Exception <7>*** UNKNOWN THREAD EXCEPTION %d *** MIPS MT Thread exception in kernelDataInstruction<1>%s bus error, epc == %0*lx, ra == %0*lx OopsInteger overflowFP exception in kernel codeBreak instruction in kernel codeTrap instruction in kernel codeReserved instruction in kernel codedo_cpu invoked from kernel context!Unhandled kernel unaligned accessUnhandled kernel unaligned access or invalid instructionKernel unaligned instruction access<4>%s: Unknown symbol %s <3>module %s: dangerous relocation <3>module %s: relocation overflow __dbe_table<7>spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ%d. pic1pic2XT-PICMIPSASEs implemented :%s%s%s%s%s%s VCE%%c exceptions : %s not availablesystem type : %s processor : %ld cpu model : %%s V%%d.%%d%s FPU V%d.%dBogoMIPS : %lu.%02lu yesnowait instruction : %s microsecond timers : %s tlb_entries : %d extra interrupt vector : %s hardware watchpoint : %s mtunknownR2000R3000R3000AR3041R3051R3052R3081R3081ER4000PCR4000SCR4000MCR4200R4400PCR4400SCR4400MCR4600R6000R6000AR8000R10000R12000R4300R4650R4700R5000R5000AR4640NevadaRM7000R5432MIPS 4KcMIPS 5KcR4310SiByte SB1TX3912TX3922TX3927Au1000MIPS 4KEcMIPS 4KScNEC Vr41xxR5500TX49xxAu1500MIPS 20KcNEC VR4111NEC VR4121NEC VR4122NEC VR4131NEC VR4181NEC VR4181AAu1100Sandcraft SR71000RM9000MIPS 25KfNEC VR4133Au1550MIPS 24KAu1200MIPS 34KPhilips PR4450SiByte SB1AMIPS 74KR14000<1>CPU %d Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address %0*lx, epc == %0*lx, ra == %0*lx VM: killing process %s <6>Freeing %s: %ldk freed <6>Freeing firmware memory: %ldk freed unused kernel memoryinitrd memoryOh boy, that early out of memory?<6>Memory: %luk/%luk available (%ldk kernel code, %ldk reserved, %ldk data, %ldk init, %ldk highmem) Mem-info: Free swap: %6ldkB %d pages of RAM %d pages of HIGHMEM %d reserved pages %d pages shared %d pages swap cached <4>TLB synthesizer field overflow <4>Invalid TLB synthesizer branch target Unsupported TLB synthesizer relocation %dUnsupported TLB synthesizer instruction %dNo TLB refill handler yet (CPU type: %d)TLB refill handler space exceeded<6>Synthesized TLB refill handler (%u instructions). TLB load handler fastpath space exceeded<6>Synthesized TLB load handler fastpath (%u instructions). TLB store handler fastpath space exceeded<6>Synthesized TLB store handler fastpath (%u instructions). TLB modify handler fastpath space exceeded<6>Synthesized TLB modify handler fastpath (%u instructions). No R6000 TLB refill handler yetNo R8000 TLB refill handler yet<3>iounmap: bad address %p remap_area_pte: page already exists Don't know how to probe P-caches on this cpu.Improper R4000SC processor configuration detectedPrimary instruction cache %ldkB, %s, %s, linesize %d bytes. physically taggedPrimary data cache %ldkB, %s, linesize %d bytes. Dunno how to handle MIPS32 / MIPS64 second level cacheUnified secondary cache %ldkB %s, linesize %d bytes. direct mapped2-way3-way4-way5-way6-way7-way8-way<4>No TLB space left for add_temporary_entry No TLB presentRestricting TLB to %d entries Ignoring invalid argument ntlb=%d %s=<%08x> =Nan %c%cInfinity%cZero%c0.e%d%c1.Illegal/Unknown IEEE754 value class<%08x,%08x> <7>floating point exception in "%s", type=%s spdpxpsididivmulsubaddfspfcmpflogbscalbnegabsdp_tintdp_tlongdp_flongfdpsp_tintfintsp_tlongsp_flongsqrtAlgorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5 sibling task PC pid father child younger older %-13.13s %c running %08lX %5lu %5d %6d %5d %7d %5d (L-TLB) (NOTLB) <3>BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d <3>bad: scheduling from the idle thread! BUG: warning at %s:%d/%s() kernel/sched.csighand_cachesignal_cachefiles_cachefs_cachevm_area_structmm_structtask_struct&mm->mmap_semkernel/fork.c%d-%d %-16s [%s] personality-%ldLinuxTainted: %c%c%c%c%c%cNot tainted<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: %s <0>Rebooting in %d seconds..<%c>[%5lu.%06lu] <4>printk: %d messages suppressed. <0>%s<4>log_buf_len: allocation failed <5>log_buf_len: %d ttySprofileprof_cpu_mask<6>kernel schedule profiling enabled (shift: %ld) <6>kernel profiling enabled (shift: %ld) kernel/exit.cAiee, killing interrupt handler!Attempted to kill the idle task!Attempted to kill init!<1>Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! <6>note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d it_intervalit_value<4>setitimer: %s (pid = %d) provided invalid timeval %s: tv_sec = %ld tv_usec = %ld ksoftirqd/%dksoftirqd for %i failed Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt kernel/softirq.cioportsiomem%*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s <4>Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> check-regionPCI IOPCI mem%s%lu-<1>Help - malformed sysctl tree on free <4>SYSCTL: Can't register %s vmnetdebugostypeosreleaseversionhostnamedomainnamepaniccore_uses_pidcore_patterncap-boundreal-root-devctrl-alt-delprintkmodprobehotplugshmmaxshmallshmmnimsgmaxmsgmnimsgmnbsysrqcad_pidthreads-maxrandomoverflowuidoverflowgidpid_maxpanic_on_oopsprintk_ratelimitprintk_ratelimit_burstngroups_maxrandomize_va_spacemax_lock_depthovercommit_memorypanic_on_oomovercommit_ratiopage-clusterdirty_background_ratiodirty_ratiodirty_writeback_centisecsdirty_expire_centisecsnr_pdflush_threadsswappinesslowmem_reserve_ratiodrop_cachesmin_free_kbytespercpu_pagelist_fractionmax_map_countlaptop_modeblock_dumpvfs_cache_pressureswap_token_timeoutinode-nrinode-statefile-nrfile-maxdentry-stateleases-enablelease-break-timeaio-nraio-max-nrinotifysuid_dumpable<4>huh, entered %p with preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? <3>schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx from %p <5>Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC <5>Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC uid_cachesigqueue<0>Power down. <0>System halted. <0>Restarting system. <0>Restarting system with command '%s'. khelper-q--<3>request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin%s/%d%s: recursion depth exceeded: %d eventsPID hash table entries: %d (order: %d, %Zd bytes) Could not alloc pidhash! kernel/pid.c<3>%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' parameters<3>%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. <3>%s: string parameter expected <3>%s: string parameter too long <3>%s: Unknown parameter `%s' <3>%s: expects arguments <3>%s: can only take %i arguments <3>%s: needs at least %i arguments %li%i%hu%hiPOSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d posix_timers_cachekthreadpmtmrWarning: clock=pmtmr is deprecated. Use clocksource=acpi_pm. acpi_pmWarning! clock= boot option is deprecated. Use clocksource=xyz register_clocksource: Cannot register %s. Already registered!current_clocksourceavailable_clocksourcejiffiesfutexkernel/futex.cfutexfskernel/rtmutex.c<4>Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) %s %lu %u %s,[unsafe],[permanent],UnloadingLoadingLiveModules linked in:<4>Symbol %s is marked as UNUSED, however this module is using it. <4>This symbol will go away in the future. <4>Please evalute if this is the right api to use, and if it really is, submit a report the linux kernel mailinglist together with submitting your code for inclusion. <4>Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future <4>Please see the file Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt in the kernel source tree for more details. %s: disagrees about version of symbol %s %s: no version for "%s" found: kernel tainted. atdELF.gnu.linkonce.this_module<4>No module found in object <4>%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) __ksymtab__ksymtab_gpl__ksymtab_gpl_future__ksymtab_unused__ksymtab_unused_gpl__kcrctab__kcrctab_gpl__kcrctab_gpl_future__kcrctab_unused__kcrctab_unused_gpl__param__ex_table__obsparm__versions.modinfostruct_modulevermagic<4>%s: no version magic, tainting kernel. <3>%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' .initlicenseunspecifiedGPLGPL v2GPL and additional rightsDual BSD/GPLDual MIT/GPLDual MPL/GPL<4>%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. ndiswrapperdriverloader%s: please compile with -fno-common %s: out of memory loading <4>%s: No versions for exported symbols. Tainting kernel. <3>%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) .debug<4>%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters <3>%s: module_subsys not initialized sections<3>Module len %lu truncated <3>%s: module is now stuck! srcversionrefcntkallsyms%0*lx %c %s [%s] %0*lx %c %s 0x%lx%s+%#lx/%#lx [%s]%s+%#lx/%#lxconfig.gz (after initialization)<6>audit: %s%s enableddisabled<3>audit: %s audit: %s <4>audit: audit_lost=%d audit_rate_limit=%d audit_backlog_limit=%d rate limit exceeded<5>%s out of memory in audit_expand<4>audit: audit_backlog=%d > audit_backlog_limit=%d backlog limit exceededout of memory in audit_log_startaudit(%lu.%03lu:%u): <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (%s) cannot initialize netlink socketinitializedkauditdaudit_enabled=%d old=%d by auid=%u subj=%saudit_enabled=%d old=%d by auid=%uaudit_failure=%d old=%d by auid=%u subj=%saudit_failure=%d old=%d by auid=%uaudit_pid=%d old=%d by auid=%u subj=%saudit_pid=%d old=%d by auid=%uaudit_rate_limit=%d old=%d by auid=%u subj=%saudit_rate_limit=%d old=%d by auid=%uaudit_backlog_limit=%d old=%d by auid=%u subj=%saudit_backlog_limit=%d old=%d by auid=%uuser pid=%d uid=%u auid=%u ssid=%u msg='%.1024s'<3>audit: *NO* daemon at audit_pid=%d 0123456789ABCDEFkernel/auditfilter.c<4>audit rule for selinux '%s' is invalid <3>AUDIT_POSSIBLE is deprecated audit implicitly removed rule path= key=(null) list=%derror updating watch, skippingerror updating watch, removingaudit updated rules specifying path= with dev=%u ino=%lu auid=%u %s rule key=(null) list=%d res=%derror updating selinux filtersaudit_send_listremoveuevent_seqnumuevent_helperirq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, %14s set IRQ_INPROGRESSIRQ_DISABLEDIRQ_PENDINGIRQ_REPLAYIRQ_AUTODETECTIRQ_WAITINGIRQ_LEVELIRQ_MASKEDIRQ_NOPROBEIRQ_NOREQUESTIRQ_NOAUTOENnonedummy<4>No IRQF_TRIGGER set_type function for IRQ %d (%s) <3>IRQ handler type mismatch for IRQ %d <4>Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d kernel/irq/manage.c<4>Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable <3>Trying to free already-free IRQ %d <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled <4>This may significantly impact system performance <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. <4>This may impact system performance. <6>IRQ lockup detection disabled <3>irq event %d: bogus return value %x <3>irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) <3>handlers: <3>[<%p>] (%s)<0>Disabling IRQ #%d level fasteoiedge simple bad <3>Trying to install type control for IRQ%d chained <4>Trying to install %sinterrupt handler for IRQ%d <3>BUG: bad set_irq_chip_data(IRQ#%d) <3>Trying to install chip for IRQ%d kernel/irq/chip.c<3>Trying to set irq type for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install controller data for IRQ%d irq,,0,  __alloc_bootmem_core(): zero-sized request <1>low bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! Out of low memory<1>bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! Out of memorymm/oom_kill.c<4>tried to kill init! <4>tried to kill an mm-less task! <3>%s: Killed process %d (%s). <3>Out of Memory: Kill process %d (%s) score %li and children. oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d out of memory. panic_on_oom is selected Out of memory and no killable processes... <7>On node %d totalpages: %lu <7> %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%lu Built %i zonelists. Total pages: %ld <0>Bad page state in process '%s' <0>page:%p flags:0x%0*lx mapping:%p mapcount:%d count:%d <0>Trying to fix it up, but a reboot is needed <0>Backtrace: <4>%s: page allocation failure. order:%d, mode:0x%x %s hash table entries: %d (order: %d, %lu bytes) Failed to allocate %s hash table %s per-cpu:cpu %d %s: high %d, batch %d used:%d coldFree pages: %11ukB (%ukB HighMem) Active:%lu inactive:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu free:%u slab:%lu mapped:%lu pagetables:%lu %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active:%lukB inactive:%lukB present:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]:empty %lu*%lukB = %lukB hotDMADMA32NormalHighMempdflushpdflush: bogus wakeup kswapd%dFailed to start kswapd on node %d %s: orphaned page <3>%s: nr=%ld %s %lu Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu active %lu inactive %lu scanned %lu (a: %lu i: %lu) spanned %lu present %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%lu, %lu) pagesets cpu: %i pcp: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i all_unreclaimable: %u prev_priority: %i start_pfn: %luNode %d, zone %8s %6lu nr_anon_pagesnr_mappednr_file_pagesnr_slabnr_page_table_pagesnr_dirtynr_writebacknr_unstablenr_bouncepgpginpgpgoutpswpinpswpoutpgalloc_dmapgalloc_dma32pgalloc_normalpgalloc_highpgfreepgactivatepgdeactivatepgfaultpgmajfaultpgrefill_dmapgrefill_dma32pgrefill_normalpgrefill_highpgsteal_dmapgsteal_dma32pgsteal_normalpgsteal_highpgscan_kswapd_dmapgscan_kswapd_dma32pgscan_kswapd_normalpgscan_kswapd_highpgscan_direct_dmapgscan_direct_dma32pgscan_direct_normalpgscan_direct_highpginodestealslabs_scannedkswapd_stealkswapd_inodestealpageoutrunallocstallpgrotatedisa bounce pool size: %d pages %s:%d: bad pgd %08lx. mm/memory.c???<3>Bad pte = %08llx, process = %s, vm_flags = %lx, vaddr = %lx anon_vma<4>allocation failed: out of vmalloc space - use vmalloc= to increase size. mm/vmalloc.c<3>Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) <3>Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) Swap cache: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu, race %lu+%lu Free swap = %lukB Total swap = %lukB swapsFilename Type Size Used Priority \partitionfile %*s%s %u %u %d <4>swap_dup: swap entry overflow <3>swap_dup: %s%08lx <3>swap_free: %s%08lx mm/swapfile.c<4>swapoff: cleared swap entry overflow SWAP-SPACESWAPSPACE2<3>Unable to find swap-space signature <3>version 0 swap is no longer supported. Use mkswap -v1 %s <4>Unable to handle swap header version %d <4>Swap area shorter than signature indicates <3>swapon: swapfile has holes <4>Empty swap-file <6>Adding %uk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d across:%lluk <3>tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocksnr_inodesmpol<3>tmpfs: Bad mount option %s <3>tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' dev/zeroshmem_inode_cache<3>Could not register tmpfs <3>Could not kern_mount tmpfs <6>shmem_inode_cache: not all structures were freed tmpfsslabinfo - version: 2.1 # name : tunables : slabdata <3>alloc_kmemlist failed for %s, error %d. %d %d %d<3>enable_cpucache failed for %s, error %d. <3>%s: Early error in slab %s SLAB: cache with size %d has lost its name kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache %s kmem_cache_create: couldn't create cache %s. kmem_cache_create(): failed to create slab `%s' slabs_full accounting errorslabs_partial inuse accounting errorslabs_partial/inuse accounting errorslabs_free/inuse accounting error<3>slab: cache %s error: %s %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6lufree_objects accounting error<3>slab error in %s(): cache `%s': %s Can't free all objectskmem_cachesize-32size-32(DMA)size-64size-64(DMA)size-96size-96(DMA)size-128size-128(DMA)size-192size-192(DMA)size-256size-256(DMA)size-512size-512(DMA)size-1024size-1024(DMA)size-2048size-2048(DMA)size-4096size-4096(DMA)size-8192size-8192(DMA)size-16384size-16384(DMA)size-32768size-32768(DMA)size-65536size-65536(DMA)size-131072size-131072(DMA)  1`3<3>VFS: Close: file count is 0 <4>get_unused_fd: slot %d not NULL! <3>chown_common: NULL inode <6>VFS: file-max limit %d reached buffer_head<6>warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call <6>Fix your initscripts? <3>VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer fs/buffer.c<3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %Lu __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device blocksize: %d <3>getblk(): invalid block size %d requested <3>hardsect size: %d Emergency Sync complete <4>lost page write due to I/O error on %s biobio: can't allocate bios bio: can't create split pool %s: want %u bytes done, only %u left biovec-1biovec-4biovec-16biovec-64biovec-128biovec-256Emergency Remount complete &s->s_umount&s->s_lock&s->s_vfs_rename_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex&s->s_dquot.dqptr_semVFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... VFS: busy inodes on changed media. bdev:&bdev->bd_mutex&bdev->bd_mount_mutexbdev_cacheCannot register bdev pseudo-fsCannot create bdev pseudo-fsbdevchar-major-%d-%dchar-major-%d%3d %s binfmt-%04x.%dpipe:[%lu]pipefs/usr/gnemul/irix//usr/gnemul/riscos/fasync_cache<3>kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! ->file_lock_cache%d:%s ACCESSPOSIX *NOINODE*MANDATORYADVISORY %6s %s FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN RW READ WRITENONE UNLCK%d %02x:%02x:%ld %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF <3>locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p names_cachefilpdentry_cacheDentry cache (deleted)<4>VFS: moving negative dcache entry <7>init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) inode_cacheInode-cache&inode->i_mutex&inode->i_alloc_sem&inode->inotify_mutex<3>free_fd_array: array = 0 (num = %d) nodev%s %s &namespace_semmnt_cacheFailed to allocate mount hash table Mount-cache hash table entries: %d rootfsCan't create rootfsCan't allocate initial namespace ro rw 0 0 device no device mounted on with fstype ,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,sync,dirsync,mandkiocbkioctxaioMaximal retry count. Bytes done %Zd aio_run_iocb: iocb->ki_retry = NULL mmap err: %ld <7>exit_aio:ioctx still alive: %d %d %d &p->locksecurity.system.trusted.user.&attr->mutex..fs/fs-writeback.c<7>%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s fs/splice.cfs/inotify.c&ih->mutexinotify: register_filesystem returned %d! inotify: kern_mount ret %ld! inotify_watch_cacheinotify_event_cache&dev->ev_mutex&dev->up_mutexmax_user_instancesmax_user_watchesmax_queued_eventsinotifyfseventpoll:&epmutexeventpoll_epieventpoll_pwqeventpoll_init() failed &ep->semeventpollfsnfsd.svc.add.del.export.unexport.getfd.getfsCORE<4>elf_core_dump: file->f_pos (%ld) != offset (%ld) RSDTZW/usr/lib/libc.so.1/usr/lib/ld.so.1<3>cache %s: %d orphaned entries<5>VFS: Disk quotas %s dquot_6.5.1dquotCannot create dquot hash tableDquot-cache hash table entries: %ld (order %ld, %ld bytes) VFS: dqput: trying to free free dquot VFS: device %s, dquot of %s %d <4>VFS: Adding dquot with dq_count %d to dispose list. &dquot->dq_lock: warning, : write failed, block quota exceeded. file limit reached. file quota exceeded too long. file quota exceeded. block limit reached. block quota exceeded too long. groupundefinedquota_v1quota_v2lookupsdropsreadswritescache_hitsallocated_dquotsfree_dquotssyncswarnings%*c%08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08lx %02x:%02x %lu %n[vdso][heap][stack]Size: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB VmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB de_put: entry %s already free! de_put: deferred delete of %s fs/proc/inode.cproc_read_super: get root inode failed proc_inode_cachenet/statsysvipcsyssys/fssys/fs/binfmt_miscfs/nfsd/procprocprocfs: impossible type (%d)taskself%i environauxvcmdlinestatmmapscwdrootexemountsmountstatssmapswchanoom_scoreoom_adjprevfscreatekeycreatesockcreatefs/proc/generic.cremove_proc_entry: %s/%s busy, count=%d <3>proc_file_read: Apparent buffer overflow! <4>proc_file_read: Read count exceeded %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %d 0 %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %lu %lu %llu Name: State: %s SleepAVG: %lu%% Tgid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: %d Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: %016x CapPrm: %016x CapEff: %016x R (running)S (sleeping)D (disk sleep)T (stopped)T (tracing stop)Z (zombie)X (dead)ttytty/ldisctty/drivertty/ldiscstty/drivers%-20s /dev/%-8s %3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty:console:vtmasterserialpty:masterpty:slavetype:%d.%d%-20s /dev/%-8s /dev/ttysystem:/dev/tty system:console /dev/ptmxptmxsystem %-10s %2d self/mountskmsgdevicescpuinfopartitionsinterruptsslabinfobuddyinfovmstatzoneinfodiskstatsmoduleskcoresysrq-trigger%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %d.%02d %d.%02d %d.%02d %ld/%d %d Character devices: Block devices: cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu MemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB HighTotal: %8lu kB HighFree: %8lu kB LowTotal: %8lu kB LowFree: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB loadavguptimememinfofilesystemsexecdomainsvmlinux%8u %8llu %8u %8llu %u:%u subsystem%sp%d%s%dholdersunknown-block(%u,%u)slaves<6> %s: unknown partition table unable to read partition table %s: p%d exceeds device capacity block:uevent %s%d < >[DM][EZD]fs/sysfs/sysfs.h../<7>sysfs: could not get root inode <7>%s: could not get root dentry! sysfs_dir_cache<3>sysfs: could not mount! devpts: get root dentry failed <3>devpts: called with bogus options devptsgid=%umode=%oext3_get_group_descblock_group >= groups_count - block_group = %d, groups_count = %luGroup descriptor not loaded - block_group = %d, group_desc = %lu, desc = %luread_block_bitmapCannot read block bitmap - block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %uext3_free_blocksFreeing blocks not in datazone - block = %lu, count = %luFreeing blocks in system zones - Block = %lu, count = %lu<0>Assertion failure in %s() at %s:%d: "%s" fs/ext3/balloc.cbh2jh(bitmap_bh)->b_committed_data != ((void *)0)bit already cleared for block %luext3_free_blocks: nonexistent deviceext3_new_block: nonexistent deviceext3_new_blockAllocating block in system zone - blocks from %lu, length %lublock(%lu) >= blocks count(%d) - block_group = %d, es == %p rec_len is smaller than minimalrec_len % 4 != 0rec_len is too small for name_lendirectory entry across blocksinode out of boundsbad entry in directory #%lu: %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%dcall_filldir: called with null fname?!? ext3_readdirdirectory #%lu contains a hole at offset %lufs/ext3/fsync.cext3_journal_current_handle() == 0read_inode_bitmapCannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %ubad orphan ino %lu! e2fsck was run?inode bitmap error for orphan %lubad orphan inode %lu! e2fsck was run?<5>ext3_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d <5>inode=%p <5>is_bad_inode(inode)=%d <5>NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u <5>max_ino=%lu ext3_free_inode: inode has count=%d ext3_free_inode: inode has nlink=%d ext3_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device ext3_free_inodereserved or nonexistent inode %lubit already cleared for inode %luext3_new_inodereserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d, inode=%luext3_get_inode_blockgroup >= groups countDescriptor not loadedext3_get_inode_locunable to read inode block - inode=%lu, block=%luext3_block_to_pathblock < 0block > bigfs/ext3/inode.chandle != NULL || create == 0create != 0handle != 0error %d when attempting revokeext3_free_branchesRead failure, inode=%ld, block=%luPageLocked(page)<0>%s: transactions do not match! fs/ext3/namei.ccount < dx_get_limit(entries)old < entries + countext3_delete_entryerror %d reading directory #%lu offset 0bad directory (dir #%lu) - no data blockempty_dirbad directory (dir #%lu) - no `.' or `..'error %d reading directory #%lu offset %luext3_add_entryUnrecognised inode hash code %dUnimplemented inode hash flags: %#06xUnimplemented inode hash depth: %#06xdx_get_limit(entries) == dx_root_limit(dir, root->info.info_length)count && count <= dx_get_limit(entries)dx_get_limit(entries) == dx_node_limit (dir)Directory index full!ext3_find_entryerror reading index page in directory #%lureading directory #%lu offset %lu(S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) || S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || S_ISLNK(inode->i_mode)) || inode->i_nlink == 0htree_dirblock_to_treeext3_get_parentbad inode number: %luext3_rmdirempty directory has nlink!=2 (%d)ext3_unlinkDeleting nonexistent file (%lu), %dext3_renameDeleting old file (%lu), %d, error=%dext3_lookup<6>EXT3-fs: %s: %d orphan inode%s deleted <6>EXT3-fs: %s: %d truncate%s cleaned up <6>EXT3-fs: recovery complete. orderedwriteback<6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with %s data mode. <3>VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev %s. IO failureReadonly filesystemerror %dJournal has aborted<3>%s: aborting transaction: %s in %s <3>EXT3-fs: cannot specify journal on remount <3>EXT3-fs: cannot change data mode on remount <3>EXT3-fs: Cannot change journalled quota options when quota turned on. <3>EXT3-fs: not enough memory for storing quotafile name. <3>EXT3-fs: %s quota file already specified. <3>EXT3-fs: quotafile must be on filesystem root. <3>EXT3-fs: Cannot change quota options when quota turned on. EXT3-fs: resize option only available for remount <3>EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value <3>EXT3-fs: old and new quota format mixing. <3>EXT3-fs: journalled quota format not specified. <3>EXT3-fs: journalled quota format specified with no journalling enabled. <3>EXT3-fs: no journal found. <3>EXT3-fs: journal inode is deleted. <3>EXT3-fs: invalid journal inode. <3>EXT3-fs: Could not load journal inode <6>ext3_inode_cache: not all structures were freed ext3_inode_cache<4>EXT3-fs warning (device %s): %s: Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: %sMarking fs in need of filesystem check.updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended<3>EXT3-fs warning: revision level too high, forcing read-only mode <4>EXT3-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended <4>EXT3-fs warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended <4>EXT3-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended <4>EXT3-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended <6>[EXT3 FS bs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] <6>EXT3 FS on %s, external journal on %s internal journal <2>Remounting filesystem read-only EXT3-fs (device %s): panic forced after error <2>EXT3-fs error (device %s) in %s: %s <2>EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: &ei->xattr_sem&ei->truncate_mutex<2>ext3_abort called. EXT3-fs panic from previous error Detected aborted journal,data=journal,data=ordered,data=writebackvfsoldvfsv0,jqfmt=%s,usrjquota=%s,grpjquota=%s,usrquota,grpquotaAbort forced by user<4>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <4>EXT3-fs: Quota file not on filesystem root. Journalled quota will not work. <3>sb orphan head is %d <3>sb_info orphan list: <3> inode %s:%ld at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d fs/ext3/super.clist_empty(&sbi->s_orphan)sb=EXT3-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s <3>EXT3-fs: unable to set blocksize <3>EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock <4>EXT3-fs warning: feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended <3>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x). <3>EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <3>EXT3-fs: Unsupported filesystem blocksize %d on %s. <3>EXT3-fs: blocksize %d too small for device blocksize %d. <3>EXT3-fs: Can't read superblock on 2nd try. <3>EXT3-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird ! <3>EXT3-fs: unsupported inode size: %d <3>EXT3-fs: fragsize %lu != blocksize %u (unsupported) <3>EXT3-fs: #blocks per group too big: %lu <3>EXT3-fs: #fragments per group too big: %lu <3>EXT3-fs: #inodes per group too big: %lu <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to mount safely <4>EXT3-fs: CONFIG_LBD not enabled <3>EXT3-fs: not enough memory <3>EXT3-fs: can't read group descriptor %d ext3_check_descriptorsBlock bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)!Inode table for group %d not in group (block %lu)!<3>EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted! <6>EXT3-fs: external journal device major/minor numbers have changed <6>EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem. <3>EXT3-fs: write access unavailable, cannot proceed. <6>EXT3-fs: write access will be enabled during recovery. <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem has both journal and inode journals! <3>EXT3: failed to open journal device %s: %ld <3>EXT3: failed to claim external journal device. <3>EXT3-fs: blocksize too small for journal device. <3>EXT3-fs: couldn't read superblock of external journal <3>EXT3-fs: external journal has bad superblock <3>EXT3-fs: journal UUID does not match <3>EXT3-fs: failed to create device journal <3>EXT3-fs: I/O error on journal device <3>EXT3-fs: External journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d <3>EXT3-fs: error updating journal. <3>EXT3-fs: error loading journal. <3>EXT3-fs: readonly filesystem when trying to create journal. <6>EXT3-fs: creating new journal on inode %d <3>EXT3-fs: error creating journal. <3>ext3: No journal on filesystem on %s <3>EXT3-fs: Journal does not support requested data journaling mode <4>EXT3-fs: Ignoring nobh option - its supported only with writeback mode <3>EXT3-fs: get root inode failed <3>EXT3-fs: corrupt root inode, run e2fsck <6>EXT3-fs: %s: orphan cleanup on readonly fs <3>EXT3-fs: Cannot turn on journalled quota: error %d <7>%s: truncating inode %ld to %Ld bytes <7>%s: deleting unreferenced inode %ld ext3bsddfminixdfgrpidbsdgroupsnogrpidsysvgroupsresgid=%uresuid=%usb=%uerrors=continueerrors=panicerrors=remount-ronouid32nocheckcheck=noneoldallocorlovuser_xattrnouser_xattraclnoaclreservationnoreservationnoloadnobhbhcommit=%ujournal=updatejournal=%ujournal_dev=%uabortdata=journaldata=ordereddata=writebackusrjquota=usrjquota=%sgrpjquota=grpjquota=%sjqfmt=vfsoldjqfmt=vfsv0grpquotanoquotausrquotabarrier=%uresizereserved GDT %lu missing grp %d (%lu)can't update backup for group %d (err %d), forcing fsck on next reboot<7>EXT3-fs: ext3_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu won't resize using backup superblock at %llunew group %u GDT block %lu not reservednot enough memory for %lu groupsCan't resize non-sparse filesystem furtherNo reserved GDT blocks, can't resizeError opening resize inodeno-super<7>EXT3-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %lu groups)Last group not fullReserved blocks too high (%u)Bad blocks count %uCannot read last block (%lu)Block bitmap not in group (block %u)Inode bitmap not in group (block %u)Inode table not in group (blocks %u-%lu)Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%u)Block bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu)Inode bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu)Block bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu)Inode bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu)Inode table (%u-%lu) overlapsGDT table (%lu-%lu)multiple resizers run on filesystem!reserved block %lu not at offset %ld<7>EXT3-fs: extending last group from %lu uto %lu blocks <3>EXT3-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to resize to %lu blocks safely can't shrink FS - resize abortedneed to use ext2online to resize furtherwill only finish group (%lu blocks, %u new)can't read last block, resize abortederror %d on journal starterror %d on journal write access<7>EXT3-fs: extended group to %u blocks ext3_xattrinode %ld: block %lu read errorinode %ld: bad block %lusystem.posix_acl_defaultsystem.posix_acl_accessfs/jbd/transaction.cjh->b_jlist < 9transaction != 0transaction->t_nr_buffers >= 0jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == 0!jh->b_committed_data!jh->b_frozen_datajh->b_transaction->t_state == T_RUNNINGtransaction->t_updates > 0journal_current_handle() == handlejh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transactionjh->b_next_transaction == transactionjh->b_next_transaction == ((void *)0)<0>%s: OOM for frozen_buffer !jh->b_next_transaction<3>EXT3-fs unexpected failure: %s; buffer_uptodate(jh2bh(jh))<3>Possible IO failure. journal->j_barrier_count != 0<3>JBD: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) journal->j_running_transaction == NULLhandle->h_transaction->t_journal == journaljh->b_next_transaction == journal->j_running_transactiontransaction == journal->j_running_transaction!buffer_jbddirty(bh)!page_has_buffers(page)<0>%s: No memory for committed data handle->h_buffer_credits > 0jh->b_transaction == journal->j_running_transactionjh->b_frozen_data == 0<3>inconsistent data on disk (jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction)(jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == ((void *)0) || (jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction && jh->b_jlist == 3))buffer_locked(jh2bh(jh))jh->b_jlist != 5fs/jbd/commit.cjournal->j_running_transaction != NULLjournal->j_committing_transaction == NULLcommit_transaction->t_state == T_RUNNINGcommit_transaction->t_outstanding_credits <= journal->j_max_transaction_buffersnew_jh->b_modified == 1 || new_jh->b_modified == 0commit_transaction->t_sync_datalist == NULLbufs == 0((&bh->b_count)->counter) == 0buffer_jbddirty(bh)commit_transaction->t_shadow_list == NULL<4>JBD: barrier-based sync failed on %s - disabling barriers commit_transaction->t_buffers == NULLcommit_transaction->t_checkpoint_list == NULLcommit_transaction->t_iobuf_list == NULLcommit_transaction->t_log_list == NULLjh->b_transaction == commit_transaction || jh->b_transaction == journal->j_running_transaction!buffer_dirty(bh)commit_transaction->t_state == T_COMMITcommit_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction<3>JBD: corrupted journal superblock <3>JBD: bad block at offset %u <3>JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u <3>JBD: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log fs/jbd/recovery.cobh != NULL<3>JBD: Out of memory during recovery. <3>JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u <3>JBD: error %d scanning journal fs/jbd/checkpoint.ctransaction->t_state == T_FINISHEDtransaction->t_buffers == NULLtransaction->t_sync_datalist == NULLtransaction->t_forget == NULLtransaction->t_iobuf_list == NULLtransaction->t_shadow_list == NULLtransaction->t_log_list == NULLtransaction->t_checkpoint_list == NULLtransaction->t_checkpoint_io_list == NULLtransaction->t_updates == 0journal->j_committing_transaction != transactionjournal->j_running_transaction != transactionblocknr != 0!buffer_jwrite(bh)buffer_dirty(jh2bh(jh)) || buffer_jbddirty(jh2bh(jh))jh->b_cp_transaction == ((void *)0)fs/jbd/revoke.c!"Cannot set revoke feature!"!buffer_revoked(bh)revoke_recordrevoke_tablelist_empty(hash_list)journal->j_revoke_table[0] == NULL(hash_size & (hash_size-1)) == 0fs/jbd/journal.cjournal_head_cache != NULLjournal_head_cache == 0journal_head<0>JBD: no memory for journal_head cache <0>JBD: failed to create handle cache journal_handle<5>ENOMEM in %s, retrying. (((&bh->b_count)->counter) > 0) || (bh->b_page && bh->b_page->mapping)jh->b_jcount >= 0jh->b_jlist == 0buffer_jbd(bh)jh2bh(jh) == bh<4>%s: freeing b_frozen_data <4>%s: freeing b_committed_data jh->b_jcount > 0bh != NULL<3>JBD: IO error reading journal superblock <4>JBD: no valid journal superblock found <4>JBD: unrecognised superblock format ID <4>JBD: journal file too short <4>JBD: Converting superblock from version 1 to 2. !(journal->j_flags & JFS_LOADED)<4>JBD: %s recovery information on journal ClearingIgnoring<3>Aborting journal on device %s. <0>journal commit I/O error !journal->j_running_transaction!journal->j_committing_transaction!journal->j_checkpoint_transactionsjournal->j_head == journal->j_tailjournal->j_tail_sequence == journal->j_transaction_sequencejournal->j_checkpoint_transactions == NULLkjournald&journal->j_barrier&journal->j_checkpoint_mutex<1>%s: journal block not found at offset %lu on %s <3>%s: Cant allocate bhs for commit thread <3>%s: Cannnot locate journal superblock journal->j_free > 1<3>Journal length (%d blocks) too short. <0>%s: creation of journal on external device! <4>JBD: Unrecognised features on journal <0>JBD: no memory for jbd_slab cache <4>JBD: recovery failed <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval %ld seconds buffer_jbddirty(bh_in)jbd_1kjbd_2kjbd_4kjbd_8kext2_get_group_descext2_free_blocksext2_new_blockcorrupted free blocks countersAllocating block in system zone - block = %ublock(%d) >= blocks count(%d) - block_group = %d, es == %p unaligned directory entryext2_check_pagesize of directory #%lu is not a multiple of chunk sizeentry in directory #%lu spans the page boundaryoffset=%lu, inode=%luzero-length directory entrydir %lu size %lld exceeds block count %llubad page in #%lukaddr=%p, de=%p ext2_free_inodeext2_release_inodecan't get descriptor for group %dext2_new_inodereserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d,inode=%luext2_get_inodeIO error syncing ext2 inode [%s:%08lx] ext2_block_to_pathext2_free_branchesRead failure, inode=%ld, block=%ldEXT2-fs warning: revision level too high, forcing read-only mode EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [EXT II FS %s, %s, bs=%lu, fs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] 0.5b95/08/09EXT2 xip option not supported <6>ext2_inode_cache: not all structures were freed ext2_inode_cache<4>EXT2-fs warning (device %s): %s: <2>EXT2-fs error (device %s): %s: EXT2-fs panic from previous error Remounting filesystem read-only ,grpidbusy inodes while remounting xip remain in cache (no functional problem)EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). EXT2-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s EXT2-fs: unable to set blocksize EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock EXT2-fs warning: feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x). EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). <3>EXT2-fs: blocksize too small for device. EXT2-fs: Couldn't read superblock on 2nd try. EXT2-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird ! EXT2-fs: unsupported inode size: %d VFS: Unsupported blocksize on dev %s. EXT2-fs: fragsize %lu != blocksize %lu (not supported yet) EXT2-fs: #blocks per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: #fragments per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: #inodes per group too big: %lu EXT2-fs: not enough memory EXT2-fs: unable to read group descriptors ext2_check_descriptorsEXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted! <3>EXT2-fs: get root inode failed <3>EXT2-fs: corrupt root inode, run e2fsck mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev %s. xipext2_xattrext2_xattr_cache_findinode %ld: block %ld read errorext2_xattr_listinode %ld: bad block %dext2_xattr_delete_inodeinode %ld: block %d read errorext2_xattr_getext2_xattr_set<3>cramfs: bad compressed blocksize %u <3>cramfs: wrong magic <3>cramfs: unsupported filesystem features <3>cramfs: root is not a directory <6>cramfs: empty filesystem<3>cramfs: bad root offset %lu cramfszlib_inflateReset error %d Error %d while decompressing! %p(%d)->%p(%d) ramfsnls_%sUnable to load NLS charset %s iso8859-1defaultdebugfs@Խ1;9 &ids->mutex<3>ipc_init_ids() failed, ipc service disabled. sysvipc/msg key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime %10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu exit_sem undo list error id=%d sysvipc/sem key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu SYSV%08xsysvipc/shm key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime %10d %10d %4o %10u %5u %5u %5d %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu mqueue_inode_cache<6>mqueue_inode_cache: not all structures were freed QSIZE:%-10lu NOTIFY:%-5d SIGNO:%-5d NOTIFY_PID:%-6d mqueuequeues_maxmsg_maxmsgsize_max&key->semkey_jardead[anon]: %u/%u: emptykeyring%s;%d;%d;%08x;%s_pid.%u_tid.%u_uid_ses.%u_uid.%u_uid.0_uid_ses.0_req.%uPATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/sbin/request-keykey: pid:%d ci:%zu.request_key_auth: %ukey-usersCannot create /proc/key-users %5u: %5d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d <6>%s invalid attempt to unregister primary security ops. <6>%s: trying to unregister a security_opts structure that is not registered, failing. <6>%s could not verify security operations. <6>%s security operations already registered. <6>Security Framework v1.0.0 initialized <7>%s could not verify security_operations structure. securityfs<4>avc: seqno %d < latest_notif %d deniedgrantedavc: %s null { 0x%x } for pid=%d comm= key=%d capability=%d name= dev=%s ino=%ld %s=%u.%u.%u.%uladdr %s=%dlportfaddrfport %s=%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x:%04x path=saddrsrcdaddr netif=%sssid=%dscontext=%s tsid=%d tcontext=%savc_nodeAVC INITIALIZED entries: %d buckets used: %d/%d longest chain: %d mountremountunmountgetattrrelabelfromrelabeltotransitionassociatequotamodquotagetadd_nameremove_namereparentsearchrmdirexecute_no_transentrypointexecmoduseconnecttonewconnacceptfromnode_bindname_connecttcp_recvtcp_sendudp_recvudp_sendrawip_recvrawip_sendenforce_destforksigchldsigkillsigstopsignullsignalgetschedsetschedgetsessiongetpgidsetpgidgetcapsetcapsharesetexecsetfscreatenoatsecuresiginhsetrlimitrlimitinhdyntransitionsetcurrentexecmemexecstackexecheapsetkeycreatesetsockcreateenqueuereceivecompute_avcompute_createcompute_membercheck_contextload_policycompute_relabelcompute_usersetenforcesetboolsetsecparamsetcheckreqprotipc_infosyslog_readsyslog_modsyslog_consolechowndac_overridedac_read_searchfownerfsetidkillsetgidsetuidsetpcaplinux_immutablenet_bind_servicenet_broadcastnet_adminnet_rawipc_lockipc_ownersys_modulesys_rawiosys_chrootsys_ptracesys_pacctsys_adminsys_bootsys_nicesys_resourcesys_timesys_tty_configmknodaudit_writeaudit_controlpasswdchfnchshrootokcrontabdestroydrawcopyfreesetattraddchildmapunmapchstackchproplistchproplistpropsetfocusmovechselectionchparentctrllifeenumeratetransparentmousemotionclientcomeventinputeventdraweventwindowchangeeventwindowchangerequestserverchangeeventextensioneventloadinstalluninstallliststorecreateglyphassignlookupwarppointeractivegrabpassivegrabungrabbellrelabelinputscreensavergethostlistsethostlistgetfontpathsetfontpathgrabquerypageexecemutrampmprotectrandmmaprandexecsegmexecnlmsg_readnlmsg_writenlmsg_relaynlmsg_readprivacquire_svcsend_msggetpwdgetgrpgethostgetstatshmempwdshmemgrpshmemhostsendtorecvfromsetcontextviewlinknullsecurityprocesscapabilityfilesystemdirlnk_filechr_fileblk_filesock_filefifo_filetcp_socketudp_socketrawip_socketnetifnetlink_socketpacket_socketkey_socketunix_stream_socketunix_dgram_socketmsgqdrawablewindowgcfontcolormappropertycursorxclientxinputxserverxextensionpaxnetlink_route_socketnetlink_firewall_socketnetlink_tcpdiag_socketnetlink_nflog_socketnetlink_xfrm_socketnetlink_selinux_socketnetlink_audit_socketnetlink_ip6fw_socketnetlink_dnrt_socketdbusnscdassociationnetlink_kobject_uevent_socketappletalk_socketpacketkeyappendunlinkrenameexecuteswaponquotaonmountonconnectlistengetoptsetoptshutdownrecv_msgname_bindunix_readunix_writeselinux<6>%s: trying to unregister a security module that is not registered. <6>%s: There is already a secondary security module registered. <6>%s: Registering secondary module %s <6>SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks SELinux: nf_register_hook for IPv4: error %d SELinux: nf_register_hook for IPv6: error %d <4>may_link: unrecognized kind %d security.selinux<4>%s: no dentry for dev=%s ino=%ld <4>%s: getxattr returned %d for dev=%s ino=%ld <4>%s: context_to_sid(%s) returned %d for dev=%s ino=%ld SELinux: unrecognized netlink message type=%hu for sclass=%hu <4>%s: security_fs_use(%s) returned %d <4>SELinux: duplicate or incompatible mount options <4>SELinux: defcontext option is invalid for this filesystem type <4>SELinux: unknown mount option <4>SELinux: security_context_to_sid(%s) failed for (dev %s, type %s) errno=%d <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) has no xattr support <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) has no security xattr handler <4>SELinux: (dev %s, type %s) getxattr errno %d <6>SELinux: initialized (dev %s, type %s), unknown behavior <6>SELinux: initialized (dev %s, type %s), %s <6>SELinux: Disabled at runtime. <6>SELinux: Unregistering netfilter hooks <6>SELinux: Completing initialization. <6>SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. <4>%s: unable to obtain SID for context %s, rc=%d <6>SELinux: Disabled at boot. <6>SELinux: Initializing. SELinux: Failed to initialize initial task. selinux_inode_securitySELinux: No initial security operations SELinux: Unable to register with kernel. <6>SELinux: Starting in enforcing mode <6>SELinux: Starting in permissive mode [unknown]<4>%s: security_transition_sid failed, rc=%d (dev=%s ino=%ld) fscontext=defcontext=rootcontext=uses xattruses transition SIDsuses task SIDsuses genfs_contextsnot configured for labelinguses mountpoint labelingfscontext=%sdefcontext=%srootcontext=%s<3>selinuxfs: could not mount! booleansavc<3>%s: failed while creating inodes lookups hits misses allocations reclaims frees %u %u %u %u %u %u enforcing=%d old_enforcing=%d auid=%uselinux=0 auid=%u/%s/%sselinuxfspolicy loaded auid=%u<3>%s: context size (%u) exceeds payload max %s %s %hu %x%x %x %x %x %u%s %s %hu%s %senforcecontextaccesspolicyverscommit_pending_boolsmlsdisablecheckreqprotcompat_netcache_thresholdhash_statscache_statsSELinux: Cannot create netlink socket.<3>SELinux: OOM in %s avc_add_callback() failed, error %d include/net/dst.h<3>security: ebitmap: map size %u does not match my size %Zd (high bit was %d) <3>security: ebitmap: high bit (%d) is not a multiple of the map size (%Zd) <3>security: ebitmap: truncated map <3>security: ebitmap: out of memory <3>security: ebitmap start bit (%d) is not a multiple of the map size (%Zd) <3>security: ebitmap start bit (%d) is beyond the end of the bitmap (%Zd) <3>security: ebitmap: null map in ebitmap (startbit %d) <3>security: ebitmap: start bit %d comes after start bit %d <6>%s: %d entries and %d/%d buckets used, longest chain length %d avtab_node<3>security: avtab: truncated entry <3>security: avtab: entry overflow security: avtab: truncated source type security: avtab: truncated target type security: avtab: truncated target class security: avtab: null entry security: avtab: entry has both access vectors and types security: avtab: entry only had %d items, expected %d security: avtab: truncated entry <3>security: avtab: truncated table <3>security: avtab: table is empty <3>security: avtab: out of memory <3>security: avtab: duplicate entry <3>security: mls: truncated level <3>security: mls: error reading level categories <3>security: mls: range overflow <3>security: mls: truncated range <3>security: mls: error reading low categories <3>security: mls: error reading high categories <3>security: mls: out of memory object_r<3>security: context truncated <3>security: error reading MLS range of context <3>security: invalid security context <3>security: out of memory on SID table init <3>security: SID %s was never defined. <3>security: unable to load initial SID %s. <3>security: unknown common %s <3>Role %s has wrong value %d <3>security: policydb magic number 0x%x does not match expected magic number 0x%x SE Linux<3>security: policydb string length %d does not match expected length %Zu <3>security: unable to allocate memory for policydb string of length %d <3>security: truncated policydb string identifier <3>security: policydb string %s does not match my string %s <3>security: policydb version %d does not match my version range %d-%d <3>Cannot switch between non-MLS and MLS policies <3>security policydb version %d (MLS) not backwards compatible <3>Cannot switch between MLS and non-MLS policies <3>security: unable to find policy compat info for version %d <3>security: policydb table sizes (%d,%d) do not match mine (%d,%d) <6>security: %d users, %d roles, %d types, %d bools, %d sens, %d cats<6>security: %d classes, %d rules <3>security: dup genfs fstype %s <3>security: dup genfs entry (%s,%s) bool=%s val=%d old_val=%d auid=%u<3>security: permission %s disappeared<3>security: the value of permission %s changed<3>security_compute_av: unrecognized class %d <3>security_compute_av: unrecognized SID %d <3>security: class %s disappeared <3>security: the value of class %s changed <3>security: the inherits clause for the access vector definition for class %s changed in the access vector definition for class %s in access vector definition for class %s %s:%s:%s<3>security_validate_transition: unrecognized class %d <3>security_validate_transition: unrecognized SID %d security_validate_transition: denied for oldcontext=%s newcontext=%s taskcontext=%s tclass=%s<3>security_compute_sid: unrecognized SID %d security_compute_sid: invalid context %s for scontext=%s tcontext=%s tclass=%s<3>security: the definition of an existing class changed selinux_audit_rule_match: missing rule selinux_audit_rule_match: stale rule selinux_audit_rule_match: unrecognized SID %d <3>security: context %s is invalid <3>security: invalidating context %s <3>security_sid_to_context: called before initial load_policy on unknown SID %d <3>security_sid_to_context: unrecognized SID %d unlabeledfile_labelsany_socketnetmsgigmp_packeticmp_socketsysctl_modprobesysctlsysctl_fssysctl_kernelsysctl_netsysctl_net_unixsysctl_vmsysctl_devkmodscmp_packetdevnull<3>security: expression result was undefined - disabling all rules. security: conditional expressions uses unknown operator. security: conditional expressions uses unknown bool. security: type rule already exists outside of a conditional.security: too many conflicting type rules.security: conflicting type rules when adding type rule for true. security: could not insert rule.security: conflicting type rules. as secondary<6>Capability LSM initialized%s <6>Capabilities disabled at initialization <6>Failure registering capabilities with primary security module. <6>Failure unregistering capabilities with primary module. <6>Failure unregistering capabilities with the kernel C2<6>Initializing Cryptographic API <4>%s: block size %u not supported cryptoname : %s driver : %s module : %s priority : %d type : cipher blocksize : %u min keysize : %u max keysize : %u type : digest digestsize : %u type : compression type : unknown [%s] <3>%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this iosched&eq->sysfs_lockI/O scheduler %s not found Default I/O scheduler not found, using no-op noopcfq<3>%s: bad return=%d <3>%s: bad insertion point %d asanticipatory<6>io scheduler %s registered (default)<3>elevator: type %s not found <3>elevator: switch to %s failed kblockdFailed to create kblockd blkdev_requestsblkdev_queueblkdev_ioc%s: dev %s: flags = sector %llu, nr/cnr %lu/%u bio %p, biotail %p, buffer %p, data %p, len %u cdb: %02x <3>%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) <3>%s: tag %d is missing %s: set to minimum %lx %s: set to minimum %d <3>blk_queue_ordered: prepare_flush_fn required <3>blk_queue_ordered: bad value %d end_request: I/O error, dev %s, sector %llu __end_that%s: bio idx %d >= vcnt %d blk: request botched <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu <3>generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) bio too big device %s (%u > %u) &q->sysfs_lockblock/ll_rw_blk.c<3>%s: adjusted depth to %d <3>%s: bad tag found on list READ<7>%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s <3>%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %dREQ_RWREQ_FAILFASTREQ_SORTEDREQ_SOFTBARRIERREQ_HARDBARRIERREQ_FUAREQ_CMDREQ_NOMERGEREQ_STARTEDREQ_DONTPREPREQ_QUEUEDREQ_ELVPRIVREQ_PCREQ_BLOCK_PCREQ_SENSEREQ_FAILEDREQ_QUIETREQ_SPECIALREQ_DRIVE_CMDREQ_DRIVE_TASKREQ_DRIVE_TASKFILEREQ_PREEMPTREQ_PM_SUSPENDREQ_PM_RESUMEREQ_PM_SHUTDOWNREQ_ORDERED_COLORnr_requestsread_ahead_kbmax_hw_sectors_kbmax_sectors_kbschedulerMINOR=%uMAJOR=%uPHYSDEVPATH=%sPHYSDEVBUS=%sPHYSDEVDRIVER=%sblock-major-%d-%dblock-major-%d%8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u %4d %4d %s %lu %lu %llu %u %lu %lu %llu %u %u %u %u %4d %4d %s %u %u %u %u major minor #blocks name %4d %4d %10llu %s register_blkdev: failed to get major for %s register_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s rangeremovable<4>scsi: unknown opcode 0x%02x <4>program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO %lu %% exit probability %lu %% probability of exiting without a cooperating process submitting IO %lu ms new thinktime %llu sectors new seek distance block/as-iosched.carq->state %d as_arqest_timeread_expirewrite_expireantic_expireread_batch_expirewrite_batch_expiredeadline_drqwrites_starvedfront_mergesfifo_batch<3>cfq: bad prio %x block/cfq-iosched.ccrq_poolcfq_poolcfq_ioc_poolquantumqueuedfifo_expire_syncfifo_expire_asyncback_seek_maxback_seek_penaltyslice_syncslice_asyncslice_async_rqslice_idle%s%0*lxidr_layer_cacheidr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. lib/kobject.ckobject_add failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. kobject_add failed for %s (%d) &s->rwsem<3>kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! changeumountofflineACTION=%sSUBSYSTEM=%sSEQNUM=18446744073709551616SEQNUM=%llu%s@%sonlinelib/kref.cradix_tree_nodelib/vsprintf.clib/plist.cinvalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codeincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data checkts_%s*%08lx == %08lx, *%08lx == %08lx Addr == %08lx task == %8p task->mm == %8p Current thread has no mm page_dir == %08x pgd == %08x, pud == %08x, pmd == %08x, pte == %08x, page == %08lx present read write accessed modified r4kbug global valid 256Mb4kb16kb64kb256kb1Mb4Mb16Mb64MbIndex: %2d pgmask=%s va=%08lx asid=%02lx [pa=%08Lx c=%d d=%d v=%d g=%Ld] No entry for address 0x%08lx in TLB Entry %d maps address 0x%08lx Wired: %dbridge%04x:%02xpci%04x:%02x<3>PCI: Unable to handle 64-bit BAR for device %s <4>Device %04x:%02x:%02x.%d not responding %04x:%02x:%02x.%d<3>PCI: device %s has unknown header type %02x, ignoring. <3>PCI: %s: class %x doesn't match header type %02x. Ignoring class. <6>PCI: Bus %04x:%02x already known PCI Bus #%02xPCI CardBus #%02x transparent (try 'pci=assign-busses')<4>PCI: Bus #%02x (-#%02x) is hidden behind%s bridge #%02x (-#%02x)%s <4>Please report the result to linux-kernel to fix this permanently <6>PCI: Transparent bridge - %s <3>PCI: Unable to handle 64-bit address space for bridge %s cpuaffinitypci_busnomsi<3>PCI: Unknown option `%s' They asked me for state %d <4>PCI: Unable to reserve %s region #%d:%llx@%llx for device %s <7>PM: Writing back config space on device %s at offset %x (was %x, writing %x) <3>%s(): %s: state=%d, current state=%d <7>PCI: %s has unsupported PM cap regs version (%u) <7>PCI: cache line size of %d is not supported by device %s <6>NCR 53c810 rev 1 detected, setting PCI class. <6>PCI: Netmos %04x (%u parallel, %u serial); changing class SERIAL to OTHER (use parport_serial) <6>PCI: Ignoring BAR%d-%d of IDE controller %s <6>Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers. <6>Disabling direct PCI/PCI transfers. <6>Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds. <6>PCI: Linking AER extended capability on %s %s MMIO at %04x-%04x %s PIO at %04x-%04x <4>PCI: PXH quirk detected, disabling MSI for SHPC device <6>ATI Northbridge, reserving I/O ports 0x3b0 to 0x3bb. RadeonIGPPCI quirk: region %04x-%04x claimed by %s vt82c586 ACPIidelibatadrivers/pci/quirks.c<6>PCI: Enable I/O Space to 1 KB Granularity <3>PCI: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release on %s <6>Applying VIA southbridge workaround. <6>PCI: VIA IRQ fixup for %s, from %d to %d <6>PCI: Fixup for MediaGX/Geode Slave Disconnect Boundary (0x41=0x%02x) <6>PCI: IDE mode mismatch; forcing legacy mode <6>PCI: MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir, attempting to turn soundcard ON <6>PCI: MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir, soundcard still off <6>PCI: MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir, soundcard on <6>Enabling SiS 96x SMBus. <6>PCI: onboard AC97/MC97 devices continue to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x <6>PCI: enabled onboard AC97/MC97 devices ali7101 ACPIali7101 SMBvt8235 PMvt8235 SMB<6>PCI: i801 SMBus device continues to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x <6>PCI: Enabled i801 SMBus device <4>Uncovering SIS%x that hid as a SIS503 (compatible=%d) <4>PCI: Can't map %s e100 registers <4>PCI: Firmware left %s e100 interrupts enabled, disabling PIIX4 ACPIPIIX4 SMBPIIX4 devres BPIIX4 devres CPIIX4 devres EPIIX4 devres FPIIX4 devres GPIIX4 devres HPIIX4 devres IPIIX4 devres JICH4 ACPI/GPIO/TCOICH4 GPIOICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCOICH6 GPIOvt82c686 HW-monvt82c686 SMB<6>PCI: Enabled ICH6/i801 SMBus device <4>BIOS failed to enable PCI standards compliance, fixing this error. <6>PCI: Found IBM Dock II Cardbus Bridge applying quirk <6>PCI: C0 revision 450NX. Disabling PCI restreaming. %x %x %x %x %x %x %luxpcicompatnew_iddrivers/pci/search.cpci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02x 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%06x vendorsubsystem_vendorsubsystem_deviceclasslocal_cpusmodaliasenablebroken_parity_status<4>PCI: Ignore bogus resource %d [%llx:%llx] of %s pdev_sort_resources(): kmalloc() failed! <3>PCI: Error while updating region %s/%d (%08x != %08x) <3>PCI: Error updating region %s/%d (high %08x != %08x) No parent found forAddress space collision on<3>PCI: %s region %d of %s %s [%llx:%llx] <3>PCI: Failed to allocate %s resource #%d:%llx@%llx for %s %02x.%x%02x%02x %04x%04x %x %16llxPCI_CLASS=%04XPCI_ID=%04X:%04XPCI_SUBSYS_ID=%04X:%04XPCI_SLOT_NAME=%sMODALIAS=pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02xPCI: Bus %d, cardbus bridge: %s IO window: %08lx-%08lx PREFETCH window: %08lx-%08lx MEM window: %08lx-%08lx <6>PCI: Bridge: %s <6> IO window: %04lx-%04lx <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: %08lx-%08lx <6> MEM window: disabled. <6> PREFETCH window: %08lx-%08lx <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: not setting up bridge %s for bus %d <4>PCI: region %s/%d too large: %llx-%llx unable to get major %d for memory devs kmemfullurandom%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xpoolsizeentropy_availread_wakeup_thresholdwrite_wakeup_thresholdboot_iduuidinputnonblockingblockingNULL ttyCouldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver Couldn't register /dev/ptmx driver <4>Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated <4>Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s <4>null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s <4>bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s &tty->atomic_read_lock&tty->atomic_write_lock<3>tty_ldisc_deref: no references. drivers/char/tty_io.c<3>Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x<3>init_dev but no ldisc <6>init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d <3>tty_ldisc_ref_wait tty_polltty_fasyncrelease_dev<7>release_dev: bad idx when trying to free (%s) <7>release_dev: driver.table[%d] not tty for (%s) <7>release_dev: driver.termios[%d] not termios for (%s) <7>release_dev: driver.termios_locked[%d] not termios_locked for (%s) <7>release_dev: other->table[%d] not o_tty for (%s) <7>release_dev: other->termios[%d] not o_termios for (%s) <7>release_dev: other->termios_locked[%d] not o_termios_locked for (%s) <7>release_dev: bad pty pointers <4>release_dev: %s: read/write wait queue active! <4>release_dev: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s <4>release_dev: bad tty->count (%d) for %s do_tty_hanguptty_write<4>tty_check_change: tty->pgrp <= 0! tty_read<5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): p->signal->session==tty->session <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty tty_ioctltty-ldisc-%dCouldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d.tty_open <4>%s: %d input overrun(s) %s: unknown flag %d n_tty_read_chan: called with read_buf == NULL?!? read_chan: tty->pgrp <= 0! n_tty<4>Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. Couldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driverCouldn't allocate Unix98 pts driverpty_masterptmpty_slaveCouldn't register Unix98 ptm driverCouldn't register Unix98 pts drivermaster pty_close: count = %d!! %3i %s miscunable to get major %d for misc devices <6>SysRq : This sysrq operation is disabled. HELP : Loglevel set to %d loglevel0-8Changing LoglevelreBootResettingtErmTerminate All TasksFullManual OOM executionkIllKill All TasksshowMemShow MemoryNiceNice All RT TasksshowPcShow RegsSyncEmergency SyncshowTasksShow StateUnmountEmergency Remount R/Odriver/rtcrtc<3>rtc: I/O resource %lx is not free. <3>rtc: IRQ %d is not free. SRM (post-2000)ARC consoleDigital UNIXDigital DECstation<6>rtc: %s epoch (%lu) detected <6>Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac <4>rtc: lost some interrupts at %ldHz. rtc_time : %02d:%02d:%02d rtc_date : %04d-%02d-%02d rtc_epoch : %04lu alarm : %02d:**:%02d okayDST_enable : %s BCD : %s 24hr : %s square_wave : %s alarm_IRQ : %s update_IRQ : %s periodic_IRQ : %s periodic_freq : %ld batt_status : %s max-user-freqhw_randomrng_availablerng_current<6>%s Cobalt LCD Driver v2.10<4>lcd: Unable to register misc device. <6>lcd: LCD Not Present <6>lcd: Erasing Flash <6>lcd: Erase Successful <6>lcd: Erase Timed Out <3>lcd: kmalloc() failed in %s <6>lcd: Starting Flash burn <6>lcd: Flash burn timed out <6>lcd: Flash successfully burned <6>lcd: Reading Flashlcd<6>%s%s%s%d at %s (irq = %d) is a %s <1>Removing wrong port: %p != %p I/O 0x%xI/O 0x%x offset 0x%xMMIO 0x%lx*unknown*serinfo:1.0 driver%s%s revision:%s mmio:0x%d: uart:%s %s%08lX irq:%d tx:%d rx:%d fe:%d pe:%d brk:%d oe:%d|RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD|RIport:drivers/serial/serial_core.c<5>%s sets custom speed on %s. This is deprecated. <3>uart_close: bad serial port count; tty->count is 1, state->count is %d <3>uart_close: bad serial port count for %s: %d &state->mutex<6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ %d ports, IRQ sharing %sabled serial8250serial-rsa<4>ttyS%d: detected caps %08x should be %08x <3>%s %s: unable to register port at index %d (IO%lx MEM%lx IRQ%d): %d MMIOAdding console on ttyS%d at %s 0x%lx (options '%s') I/O portttyS%d: LSR safety check engaged! <3>serial8250: too much work for irq%d 8250164501655016550ACirrusST16650ST16650V2TI16750Startech16C950/954ST16654XR16850RSANS16550AXScale<4>%s: %s <4>Please send the output of lspci -vv, this <4>message (0x%04x,0x%04x,0x%04x,0x%04x), the <4>manufacturer and name of serial board or <4>modem board to rmk+serial@arm.linux.org.uk. Unknown SIIG card<7>Local i960 firmware missing<4>Couldn't register serial port %s: %d <3>pci_init_one: invalid driver_data: %ld Redundant entry in serial pci_table.no memory in bar 0mmio,<3>%s: Couldn't ioremap 0x%lx io,<6>Early serial console at %s 0x%lx (options '%s') No ttyS device at %s 0x%lx for console console=uart,<3>Device '%s' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. drivers/base/core.c<4>%s does not work yet for NULL parents <3>Class suspend failed for %s <3>Class driver suspend failed for %s <3>sysdev driver suspend failed for %s unbind<4>%s: probe of %s failed with error %d <4>Driver '%s' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <3>Class Device '%s' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. drivers/base/class.cMODALIAS=%s%s.%u<3>%s: failed to claim resource %d platform<3>%s %s: dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) <3>dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) <3>%s %s: dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy <3>dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u pools<3>%s %s: failed to allocate class container RAMDISK: wrong blocksize %d, reverting to defaults ramdiskram%dRAMDISK driver initialized: %d RAM disks of %dK size %d blocksize <6>%s: link down 1000half<6>%s: link up, %sMbps, %s-duplex, lpa 0x%04X <3>Network loopback device setup failed eth<4>%s: timeout expired stopping DMA <6>%s: set link %s <6>%s: mode 0x%x, sia 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x <6>%s: set mode 0x%x, set sia 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x <6>%s: link up, media %s <7>%s: enabling interface <3>%s: ring allocation failure, err=%d <3>%s: IRQ %d request failure, err=%d <3>%s: h/w init failure, err=%d <7>%s: intr, status %08x mode %08x desc %u/%u/%u <7>%s: rx err, slot %d status 0x%x len %d <4>%s: Oversized Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers, status %8.8x! <7>%s: rx slot %d status 0x%x len %d copying? %d <4>%s: rx work limit reached <7>%s: tx err, status 0x%x <7>%s: tx done, slot %d <3>%s: PCI bus error, status=%08x, PCI status=%04x <6>%s: link nway restart, status %x,%x <7>%s: tx queued, slot %d, skblen %d <7>%s: disabling interface <7>%s: NIC status %08x mode %08x sia %08x desc %u/%u/%u de2104x0.7<3>de2104x: invalid irq (%d) for pci dev %s <3>de2104x: no MMIO resource for pci dev %s <3>de2104x: MMIO resource (%llx) too small on pci dev %s <3>de2104x: Cannot map PCI MMIO (%llx@%lx) on pci dev %s <3>de2104x: Cannot reset MAC, pci dev %s <4>de2104x: timeout reading 21040 MAC address byte %u <6>de%d: SROM leaf offset %u, default media %s <6>de%d: media block #%u: %s (%x,%x,%x) 2104021041<6>%s: %s at 0x%lx, %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, IRQ %d <6>%s: %s link ok, status %x <6>%s: no link, trying media %s, status %x <6>%s: %s link ok, mode %x status %x 10baseT autoBNCAUI10baseT-HD10baseT-FD<6>%s: Controller %d of multiport board. <6>%s: Missing EEPROM, this interface may not work correctly! <6>%s: Old format EEPROM on '%s' board. Using substitute media control info. <6>%s: Old style EEPROM with no media selection information. <4>%s: no phy info, aborting mtable build Autosense<6>%s: EEPROM default media type %s. <6>%s: MII interface PHY %d, setup/reset sequences %d/%d long, capabilities %2.2x %2.2x. <6>%s: Index #%d - Media %s (#%d) described by a %s (%d) block. AsanteSMC9332DSTCogent EM100Maxtech NX-110Accton EN1207NetWinderCobalt Microserver21140 non-MII21140 MII PHY21142 Serial PHY21142 MII PHY21143 SYM PHY21143 reset method<7> In tulip_rx(), entry %d %8.8x. <7>%s: In tulip_rx(), entry %d %8.8x. <7>%s: Receive error, Rx status %8.8x. <4>%s: Bogus packet size of %d (%#x). <3>%s: Internal fault: The skbuff addresses do not match in tulip_rx: %08x vs. %Lx %p / %p. <7>%s: interrupt csr5=%#8.8x new csr5=%#8.8x. <7>%s: Transmit error, Tx status %8.8x. <3>%s: Out-of-sync dirty pointer, %d vs. %d. <4>%s: The transmitter stopped. CSR5 is %x, CSR6 %x, new CSR6 %x. <7>%s: tulip_stop_rxtx() failed (CSR5 0x%x CSR6 0x%x) <3>%s: (%lu) System Error occurred (%d) <3>%s: Re-enabling interrupts, %8.8x. <4>%s: Too much work during an interrupt, csr5=0x%8.8x. (%lu) (%d,%d,%d) <4>%s: in rx suspend mode: (%lu) (tp->cur_rx = %u, ttimer = %d, rx = %d) go/stay in suspend mode <4>%s: in rx suspend mode: (%lu) set timer <7>%s: exiting interrupt, csr5=%#4.4x. <6>tulip%d: MII transceiver #%d config %4.4x status %4.4x advertising %4.4x. <7>tulip%d: Advertising %4.4x on PHY %d, previously advertising %4.4x. <6>tulip%d: ***WARNING***: No MII transceiver found! <7>%s: Using a 21140 non-MII transceiver with control setting %2.2x. <7>%s: Resetting the transceiver. <7>%s: 21143 non-MII %s transceiver control %4.4x/%4.4x. <7>%s: Setting CSR15 to %8.8x/%8.8x. <7>%s: Advertising %4.4x on MII %d. <7>%s: Invalid media table selection %d. <7>%s: Using media type %s, CSR12 is %2.2x. <7>%s: PNIC PHY status is %3.3x, media %s. <7>%s: No media description table, assuming %s transceiver, CSR12 %2.2x. <6>%s: MII status %4.4x, Link partner report %4.4x. <6>%s: No link beat on the MII interface, status %4.4x. <6>%s: Setting %s-duplex based on MII#%d link partner capability of %4.4x. <7>%s: Comet link status %4.4x partner capability %4.4x. <7>%s: Media selection tick, %s, status %8.8x mode %8.8x SIA %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x. <7>%s: network media monitor CSR6 %8.8x CSR12 0x%2.2x. <7>%s: Transceiver monitor tick CSR12=%#2.2x, no media sense. <7>%s: Transceiver monitor tick: CSR12=%#2.2x bit %d is %d, expecting %d. <7>%s: Link beat detected for %s. <7>%s: No link beat on media %s, trying transceiver type %s. <6>%s: MXIC negotiation status %8.8x. Transceiver reset<7>%s: CSR0 %08x <7>%s: tulip_up(), irq==%d. <6>%s: Using user-specified media %s. <6>%s: Using EEPROM-set media %s. <6>%s: Using MII transceiver %d, status %4.4x. <7>%s: Done tulip_up(), CSR0 %8.8x, CSR5 %8.8x CSR6 %8.8x. <4>%s: Transmit timeout using MII device. <4>%s: 21140 transmit timed out, status %8.8x, SIA %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x, resetting... <4>%s: transmit timed out, switching to %s media. <4>%s: PNIC2 transmit timed out, status %8.8x, CSR6/7 %8.8x / %8.8x CSR12 %8.8x, resetting... <4>%s: Transmit timed out, status %8.8x, CSR12 %8.8x, resetting... tulip1.1.13<6>%s: Promiscuous mode enabled. <6>%s: Added filter for %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x %8.8x bit %d. <6>%s<3>tulip: skipping LMC card. <3>tulip: skipping early DM9100 with Crc bug (use dmfe) <3>tulip: Cannot enable tulip board #%d, aborting <3>tulip: ether device alloc failed, aborting <3>tulip: %s: I/O region (0x%llx@0x%llx) too small, aborting <7>%s: tulip_mwi_config() <7>%s: MWI config cacheline=%d, csr0=%08x <6>tulip%d: Transceiver selection forced to %s. tulip%deth%d<6>%s: %s rev %d at %p, EEPROM not present,%c%2.2X, IRQ %d. <7>%s: Shutting down ethercard, status was %2.2x. 10base2100baseFxMII 10baseTMII 10baseT-FDXMII10baseT(forced)MII 100baseTxMII 100baseTx-FDXMII 100baseT4MII 100baseFx-HDXMII 100baseFx-FDXHome-PNA 1MbpsInvalid-19Digital DS21140 TulipDigital DS21143 TulipLite-On 82c168 PNICMacronix 98713 PMACMacronix 98715 PMACMacronix 98725 PMACASIX AX88140Lite-On PNIC-IIADMtek CometCompex 9881 PMACIntel DS21145 TulipDavicom DM9102/DM9102AConexant LANfinity<7>%s: Restarting 21143 autonegotiation, csr14=%8.8x. <6>%s: 21143 negotiation status %8.8x, %s. <6>%s: Using NWay-set %s media, csr12 %8.8x. <6>%s: No 21143 100baseTx link beat, %8.8x, trying NWay. <6>%s: 21143 negotiation failed, status %8.8x. <6>%s: Testing new 21143 media %s. <6>%s: 21143 link status interrupt %8.8x, CSR5 %x, %8.8x. <6>%s: Switching to %s based on link negotiation %4.4x & %4.4x = %4.4x. <6>%s: Autonegotiation failed, using %s, link beat status %4.4x. <7>%s: Setting CSR6 %8.8x/%x CSR12 %8.8x. failedgood<6>%s: 21143 %s link beat %s. <6>%s: 21143 10baseT link beat good. <6>%s: 21143 10mbps sensed media. <6>%s: 21143 using NWay-set %s, csr6 %8.8x. <6>%s: 21143 100baseTx sensed media. <7>%s: PNIC autonegotiated status %8.8x, %s. <7>%s: PNIC timer PHY status %8.8x, %s CSR5 %8.8x. <7>%s: %s link beat failed, CSR12 %4.4x, CSR5 %8.8x, PHY %3.3x. <6>%s: Changing PNIC configuration to %s %s-duplex, CSR6 %8.8x. <6>%s: sw timer wakeup. <7>%s: PNIC link changed state %8.8x, CSR5 %8.8x. <7>%s: Restarting PNIC2 autonegotiation, csr14=%8.8x. <7>%s: On Entry to Nway, csr6=%8.8x. <6>%s: PNIC2 negotiation status %8.8x. <6>%s: PNIC2 link status interrupt %8.8x, CSR5 %x, %8.8x. <6>%s: funny autonegotiate result csr12 %8.8x advertising %4.4x <7>%s: Ugh! Link blew? <6>%s: PNIC2 %s link beat %s. <6>%s: PNIC2 Link Change Default? <3>VP_IDE: out of memory :( <4>VP_IDE: Unknown VIA SouthBridge, disabling DMA. <4>VP_IDE: User given PCI clock speed impossible (%d), using 33 MHz instead. <4>VP_IDE: Use ide0=ata66 if you want to assume 80-wire cable. <6>VP_IDE: VIA %s (rev %02x) IDE %s controller on pci%s VIA_IDEVP_IDEvt6410vt8251vt8237vt8237avt8235vt8233avt8233cvt8233vt8231vt82c686bvt82c686avt82c686vt82c596bvt82c596avt82c586bvt82c586avt82c586vt82c576MWDMA16UDMA33UDMA66UDMA100UDMA133<6>ide: Assuming %dMHz system bus speed for PIO modes%s UNKNOWNcdromide:m-%s <3>%s: channel busy ; override with idebus=xx<6>Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2 MEDIA=%sDRIVENAME=%sMODALIAS=ide:m-%sio_32bitkeepsettingsnice1pio_modeunmaskirqusing_dmainit_speedcurrent_speednumber<3>%s: I/O resource 0x%lX-0x%lX not free. hdidebus<6>ide_setup: %side=nodma : Prevented DMA ide=reverse : Enabled support for IDE inverse scan order. ide- -- USE "ide%d=serialize" INSTEAD -- BAD BUS SPEED! Expected value from 20 to 66 -- SUPPORT NOT CONFIGURED IN THIS KERNEL -- BAD OPTION -- OBSOLETE OPTION, WILL BE REMOVED SOON! -- NOT SUPPORTED ON ide%ddrive resetnoprobeserializeautotunenoautotuneata66minus8minus9minus10fourqd65xxht6560bcmd640_vlbdtc2278umc8672ali14xxnowerrswapdatabswapnoflushremapremap630123456789abcdef0123456789mediadrivename(?)<3>%s%s: unexpected interrupt, status=0x%02x, count=%ld <3>%s: ide_intr: hwgroup->busy was 0 ?? <3>%s: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit <2>ide_set_handler: timer already active <3>ide: huh? queue was plugged! <4>%s: bus not ready on wakeup <4>%s: drive not ready on wakeup <3>%s: drive not ready for command <3>%s: bad special flag: 0x%02x drive_cmd<3>ide_timer_expiry: hwgroup->drive was NULL <3>%s: ide_timer_expiry: hwgroup->busy was 0 ?? <4>%s: lost interrupt <4>%s: DMA timeout error dma timeout error<4>%s: DMA timeout retry irq timeout%s: Speed warnings UDMA 3/4/5 is not functional. <2>%s: ide_set_handler: handler not null; old=%p, new=%p <3>%s: host reset_poll failure for %s. %s: reset timed-out, status=0x%02x %s: reset: success master: passedformatter device errorsector buffer errorECC circuitry errorcontrolling MPU errorerror (0x%02x?); slave: failed%s: CHECK for good STATUS <3>%s: wait_for_ready, error status: %x status timeoutstatus errorset_drive_speed_status%s: ATAPI reset complete %s: ATAPI reset timed-out, status=0x%02x PIO SLOWXFER ERRORUDMA 7UDMA 6UDMA 5UDMA 4UDMA 3UDMA 2UDMA 1UDMA 0MW DMA 2MW DMA 1MW DMA 0SW DMA 2SW DMA 1SW DMA 0PIO 4PIO 3PIO 2PIO 1PIO 0ide: failed opcode was: unknown %s: %s: status=0x%02x { Busy DriveReady DeviceFault SeekComplete DataRequest CorrectedError Index Error } %s: %s: error=0x%02x { DriveStatusError BadCRC BadSector UncorrectableError SectorIdNotFound TrackZeroNotFound AddrMarkNotFound }, LBAsect=%llu, high=%d, low=%d, LBAsect=%ld, CHS=%d/%d/%d, sector=%lluIllegalLengthIndication EndOfMedia AbortedCommand MediaChangeRequested LastFailedSense=0x%02x Conner Peripherals 540MB - CFS540AWDC AC2700WDC AC2540WDC AC2420WDC AC2340WDC AC2250WDC AC2200WDC AC21200WDC AC2120WDC AC2850WDC AC1270WDC AC1170WDC AC1210WDC AC280WDC AC31000WDC AC31200Maxtor 7131 ATMaxtor 7171 ATMaxtor 7213 ATMaxtor 7245 ATMaxtor 7345 ATMaxtor 7546 ATMaxtor 7540 AVSAMSUNG SHD-3121ASAMSUNG SHD-3122ASAMSUNG SHD-3172AST5660AST3660AST3630AST3655AST3391AST3390AST3600AST3290AST3144AST3491AQUANTUM ELS127AQUANTUM ELS170AQUANTUM LPS240AQUANTUM LPS210AQUANTUM LPS270AQUANTUM LPS365AQUANTUM LPS540AQUANTUM LIGHTNING 540AQUANTUM LIGHTNING 730AQUANTUM FIREBALL_540QUANTUM FIREBALL_640QUANTUM FIREBALL_1080QUANTUM FIREBALL_1280%s: potential irq problem with %s and %s <4>ide-probe: ignoring undecoded slave <6>%s: probing with STATUS(0x%02x) instead of ALTSTATUS(0x%02x) E X A B Y T E N E S T%s: %s, ATAPI CD-ROMoppypoypZIPcdrom or floppy?, assuming FLOPPYCD/DVD-ROMTAPEOPTICALUNKNOWN (type %d)CFAATA%s DISK drive %s: IRQ probe failed (0x%lx) %s: no response (status = 0x%02x), resetting drive %s: no response (status = 0x%02x) <3>%s: ERROR, PORTS ALREADY IN USE <3>%s: ports already in use, skipping probe <7>Probing IDE interface %s... <7>%s: Wait for ready failed before probe ! <3>ide: out of memory for id data. %s: enabling %s -- failed (timeout) failed (status = 0x%02x) <6>%s: non-IDE drive, CHS=%d/%d/%d <6>%s: ATAPI cdrom (?) <4>%s: Unknown device on bus refused identification. Ignoring. <4>%s: reset <3>ide: failed to init %s %s at 0x%03lx-0x%03lx,0x%03lx on irq %dsharserializ (%sed with %s)<3>Duh. Uninitialized hwif listed as active hwif. %s: DISABLED, NO IRQ <3>%s: unable to allocate SG table. %s: Disabled unable to get IRQ %d. %s: probed IRQ %d and default IRQ %d failed. %s: probed IRQ %d failed, using default. %u.%u<6>%s: failed to initialize IDE interface ide-diskide-scsiide-cdide-tapeide-floppyhd%c_EXT<3>%s: no DRQ after issuing %sWRITE%s <3>%s: multimode not set! <3>%s: in/out command without data recal_intrtask_no_data_intr<3>%s: drive still BUSY! MULTset_multmodeset_geometry_intr<3>%s: %s Multimode Write multcount is not set <3>%s: %s Multimode Read failure multcount is not set <3>%s: IO baseregs (BIOS) are reported as MEM, report to . <6>%s: IDE controller at PCI slot %s <3>%s: inconsistent baseregs (BIOS) for port %d, skipping <3>%s: port 0x%04lx already claimed by %s <3>%s: too many IDE interfaces, no room in table <3>%s: dma_base is invalid <6>%s: simplex device: DMA forced <6>%s: simplex device: DMA disabled <3>%s: %s error updating PCICMD <6>%s: %s Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS) <6>%s: neither IDE port enabled (BIOS) <4>%s: (ide_setup_pci_device:) Could not enable device. <4>%s: BIOS configuration fixed. <3>%s: can't set dma mask ide_tmp<3>%s: error accessing PCI regs <6>%s: device not capable of full native PCI mode %s: placing both ports into native PCI mode <3>%s: rewrite of PROGIF failed, wanted 0x%04x, got 0x%04x <6>%s: device disabled (BIOS) <3>%s: unable to enable IDE controller <6>%s: chipset revision %d <6>%s: not 100%% native mode: will probe irqs later <6>%s: will probe irqs later <4>%s: bad irq (%d): will probe later <6>%s: 100%% native mode on irq %d <6>%s: device enabled (Linux) <3>%s: timeout waiting for DMA %s: DMA interrupt recovery <4>%s: (%s) called while not waiting <6>%s: DMA disabled <4>%s: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x%02x <6> %s: MMIO-DMA <6> %s: BM-DMA at 0x%04lx-0x%04lx -- Error, ports in use. -- Error, secondary ports in use. <3>%s: -- Error, unable to allocate%s DMA table(s). CPUpio, BIOS settings: %s:%s, %s:%s, UDMA(mode 7), UDMA(133), UDMA(100), UDMA(66), UDMA(44), UDMA(33), UDMA(25), UDMA(16), (U)DMA, DMA, BUG DMA OFF<3>%s: DMA table too small <3>%s: empty DMA table? <3>%s: dma_intr: bad DMA status (dma_stat=%x) dma_intrALL<4>%s: Disabling (U)DMA for %s (blacklisted) Micropolis 2112ACONNER CTMA 4000CONNER CTT8000-AST34342AWDC AC11000HWDC AC22100HWDC AC32500HWDC AC33100HWDC AC31600HWDC AC32100H24.09P07WDC AC23200L21.10N21Compaq CRD-8241BCRD-8400BCRD-8480BCRD-8482BCRD-84SanDisk SDP3BSanDisk SDP3B-64SANYO CD-ROM CRDHITACHI CDR-8HITACHI CDR-8335HITACHI CDR-8435Toshiba CD-ROM XM-6202BCD-532E-AE-IDE CD-ROM CR-840CD-ROM Drive/F5AWPI CDD-820SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148CSAMSUNG CD-ROM SCATAPI CD-ROM DRIVE 40X MAXIMUM_NEC DV5800A%s version %s (none)%.40s physical %d/%d/%d logical %d/%d/%d (none) au1xxx(unknown)genericcmd640rz1000trm290cmd646cy82c6934drivesmac-io<4>Warning: /proc/ide/hd?/settings interface is obsolete, and will be removed soon! optical UNKNOWN cdrom tape floppy %04x%cide-default version 0.9.newide ide%d/%sname value min max mode ---- ----- --- --- ---- %-24s%-16d%-16swrite-only%-16d%-16dproc_ide_write_settings(): parse error channelmatemodelidentify<6>%s: wcache flush failed! Shutdown: %s <6>%s: Host Protected Area detected. current capacity is %llu sectors (%llu MB) native capacity is %llu sectors (%llu MB) <6>%s: Host Protected Area disabled. <6>%s: cache flushes %ssupported bios_cylbios_headbios_sectaddressmultcountlunwcacheacousticmax_failures<6>%s: max request size: %dKiB <4>%s: cannot use LBA48 - full capacity %llu sectors (%llu MB) <6>%s: cannot use LBA48 DMA - PIO mode will be used for accessing sectors > %u <6>%s: %llu sectors (%llu MB) w/%dKiB Cache<3>%s: INVALID GEOMETRY: %d PHYSICAL HEADS? ide_do_rw_disk - bad command1.18capacitygeometrysmart_valuessmart_thresholdsspi%u<3>%s %s: can't alloc dev for cs%d spispi_master<4>%s %s: HCRESET not completed yet! <4>%s %s: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug ?) %08x OHCIEHCI<4>%s %s: unrecognized capability %02x <7>%s %s: capability loop? handlers<3>input: unable to register input_dev class <3>input: unable to register char major %dN: Number=%ld Name=%s Minor=%dB: %s=%lx%s%X,input:b%04Xv%04Xp%04Xe%04X-PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x/%xNAME="%s"PHYS="%s"UNIQ="%s"EV=KEY=REL=ABS=MSC=LED=SND=FF=SW=MODALIAS=I: Bus=%04x Vendor=%04x Product=%04x Version=%04x N: Name="%s" P: Phys=%s S: Sysfs=%s H: Handlers=EVKEYRELABSMSCLEDSNDFFSW&dev->mutex<4>input: device %s is statically allocated, will not register Please convert to input_allocate_device() or contact dtor_core@ameritech.net input%ldUnspecified deviceN/A<6>input: %s as %s capabilitiesrelmscsndffswbustypeproductphysuniq[none] none &dma_list_mutexdma%dchan%dmemcpy_countbytes_transferredin_use, ףL,L,8p22,<4>Skipping PCI bus scan due to resource conflict <3>PCI: Device %s not available because of resource collisions PCI: Enabling device %s (%04x -> %04x) <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device %s to %d <6>Galileo: fixed bridge class <6>Galileo: revision %u socket:sock_inode_cachesockets: used %d <6>NET: Unregistered protocol family %d <2>protocol %d >= NPROTO(%d) <6>NET: Registered protocol family %d <3>socki_lookup: socket file changed! 8021qdlci<3>sock_release: fasync list not empty! <6>%s uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET) net-pf-%d<4>socket: no more sockets <7>sock_close: NULL inode sockfs%-9s %-4s %-8s %-6s %-5s %-7s %-4s %-10s %sprotocolsocketspressmaxhdrslabcl co di ac io in de sh ss gs se re sp bi br ha uh gp em NI%-9s %4u %6d %6d %-3s %6u %-3s %-10s %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c protocols<4>process `%s' is using obsolete %s SO_BSDCOMPAT <7>%s: optmem leakage (%d bytes) detected. getsockoptsetsockopt<2>%s: Can't create sock SLAB cache! <2>%s: Can't create request sock SLAB cache! include/linux/skbuff.h<3>KERNEL: assertion (%s) failed at %s (%d) lopt->qlen == 0net/core/request_sock.cskbuff_head_cachecannot create skbuff cacheskbuff_fclone_cachestart <= offset + lennet/core/skbuff.c<3>SKB BUG: Invalid truesize (%u) len=%u, sizeof(sk_buff)=%Zd <0>skb_under_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%p end:%p dev:%s <0>skb_over_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%p end:%p dev:%s net/core/datagram.cskb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_write_queue)net/core/stream.c!sk->sk_wmem_queued!sk->sk_forward_allocwmem_maxrmem_maxwmem_defaultrmem_defaultdev_weightnetdev_max_backlogmessage_costmessage_burstoptmem_maxxfrm_aevent_etimexfrm_aevent_rseqthsomaxconnnetdev_budget%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x Inter-| Receive | Transmit face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed %6s:%8lu %7lu %4lu %4lu %4lu %5lu %10lu %9lu %8lu %7lu %4lu %4lu %4lu %5lu %7lu %10lu %6s: No statistics available. <4>dev_remove_pack: %p not found. <3>alloc_dev: Unable to allocate device. <3>RTNL: assertion failed at %s (%d) net/core/dev.c<5>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_SG since no checksum feature. <5>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_TSO since no SG feature. <3>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_HW_CSUM feature. <3>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_SG feature. NULL!!!<7>%s: default_rebuild_header called -- BUG! enteredleft<6>device %s %s promiscuous mode dev=%s prom=%d old_prom=%d auid=%u<3>%s: hw csum failure. <2>protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s <7>unregister_netdevice: device %s/%p never was registered !dev->master<3>unregister net_device: '%s' not found !atomic_read(&skb->users)softnet_stat<3>network todo '%s' but state %d <0>unregister_netdevice: waiting for %s to become free. Usage count = %d !dev->ip_ptr!dev->ip6_ptr!dev->dn_ptr<2>Virtual device %s asks to queue packet! <2>Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently! %-4d %-15s %-5d %-5d dev_mcastdev_mc_discard: multicast leakage! dmi_users=%d entries allocs destroys hash_grows lookups hits res_failed rcv_probes_mcast rcv_probes_ucast periodic_gc_runs forced_gc_runs %08x %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx NEIGH: BUG, double timer add, state is %x cannot create neighbour cachecannot create neighbour cache statisticscannot create neighbour proc dir entrycannot allocate neighbour cache hashes<3>NEIGH: Registering multiple tables for family %d <4>Destroying alive neighbour %p <4>Impossible event. <2>neighbour leakage neigh_parms_release: not found neigh_resolve_output: dst=%p neigh=%p <4>neigh: timer & !nud_in_timer mcast_solicitucast_solicitapp_solicitretrans_timebase_reachable_timedelay_first_probe_timegc_stale_timeunres_qlenproxy_qlenanycast_delayproxy_delaylocktimegc_intervalgc_thresh1gc_thresh2gc_thresh3retrans_time_msbase_reachable_time_msneighrtnetlink_init: cannot allocate rta_buf rtnetlink_init: cannot initialize rtnetlink net/core/link_watch.cnet/core/filter.cflow_cacheNET: failed to allocate flow cache slab NET: failed to allocate flow cache order %lu %02x%cINTERFACE=%snet/core/net-sysfs.cnotpresentlowerlayerdowntestingdormantstatisticswirelessaddr_leniflinkifindexfeaturestypelink_modecarrieroperstatemtuflagstx_queue_lenrx_packetstx_packetsrx_bytestx_bytesrx_errorstx_errorsrx_droppedtx_droppedmulticastcollisionsrx_length_errorsrx_over_errorsrx_crc_errorsrx_frame_errorsrx_fifo_errorsrx_missed_errorstx_aborted_errorstx_carrier_errorstx_fifo_errorstx_heartbeat_errorstx_window_errorsrx_compressedtx_compressednoisenwidcryptfragmentbeacon<7>%s (WE) : Driver using old /proc/net/wireless support, please fix driver ! <3>%s (WE) : Invalid/Unknown Wireless Event (0x%04X) <3>%s (WE) : Wireless Event too big (%d) <3>%s (WE) : Wireless Event too small (%d) <7>%s (WE.r) : RtNetlink request too short (%d) <7>%s (WE.r) : RtNetlink request len invalid (%d-%d) Inter-| sta-| Quality | Discarded packets | Missed | WE face | tus | link level noise | nwid crypt frag retry misc | beacon | %d %6s: %04x %3d%c %3d%c %3d%c %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d out of netpoll skbs! <6>%s: local port %d <6>%s: local IP %d.%d.%d.%d <6>%s: interface %s <6>%s: remote port %d <6>%s: remote IP %d.%d.%d.%d <6>%s: remote ethernet address %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x <6>%s: couldn't parse config at %s! <3>%s: %s doesn't exist, aborting. <3>%s: %s doesn't support polling, aborting. <6>%s: device %s not up yet, forcing it <3>%s: failed to open %s <5>%s: timeout waiting for carrier <5>%s: carrier detect appears untrustworthy, waiting 4 seconds <3>%s: no IP address for %s, aborting net/core/user_dma.c<7>%s: unable to resolve type %X addresses. <7>%s deferred output. It is buggy. !timer_pending(&dev->watchdog_timer)net/sched/sch_generic.c<6>%s: activation failed <7>Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently! <6>NETDEV WATCHDOG: %s: transmit timed out sk Eth Pid Groups Rmem Wmem Dump Locks %p %-3d %-6d %08x %-8d %-8d %p %d netlinknetlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table Freeing alive netlink socket %p !atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc)net/netlink/af_netlink.c!atomic_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc)!nlk_sk(sk)->cb!nlk_sk(sk)->groupsinclude/net/sock.hnet-pf-%d-proto-%d<4>netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes. GENL: Cannot initialize generic netlink GENL: Cannot register controller: %d netfiltercannot create netfilter proc entrycannot initialize nf_queuecannot initialize nf_lognf_log%2lld NONE %2lld %s <4>nf_log_packet: can't log since no backend logging module loaded in! Please either load one, or disable logging explicitly nf_queue<3>OOM queueing packet %p <4>dst cache overflow entries in_hit in_slow_tot in_slow_mc in_no_route in_brd in_martian_dst in_martian_src out_hit out_slow_tot out_slow_mc gc_total gc_ignored gc_goal_miss gc_dst_overflow in_hlist_search out_hlist_search %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x <7>ip_rt_bug: %u.%u.%u.%u -> %u.%u.%u.%u, %s <4>Neighbour table overflow. <2>Bug in ip_route_input_slow(). Please, report <7>rt_bind_peer(0) @%p %-127s Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Source MTU Window IRTT TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst%s %08lX %08lX %8X %d %u %d %08lX %d %u %u %02X %d %1d %08XIP: failed to allocate ip_rt_acct ip_dst_cacheIP: failed to allocate ip_dst_cache IP route cachert_cachert_acctflushmin_delaymax_delaygc_threshmax_sizegc_min_intervalgc_min_interval_msgc_timeoutredirect_loadredirect_numberredirect_silenceerror_costerror_burstgc_elasticitymtu_expiresmin_pmtumin_adv_msssecret_intervalinet_peer_cachecannot create inet_peer_cache<6>source route option %u.%u.%u.%u -> %u.%u.%u.%u qp->last_in&COMPLETEnet/ipv4/ip_fragment.cdel_timer(&qp->timer) == 0head != NULLFRAG_CB(head)->offset == 0<6>Oversized IP packet from %d.%d.%d.%d. <2>ip_forward(): Argh! Destination lost! <7>ip_finish_output2: No header cache and no neighbour! newskb->dstnet/ipv4/ip_output.csk_unhashed(sk)net/ipv4/inet_hashtables.c!hlist_empty(&tb->owners)include/net/inet_hashtables.hicsk->icsk_bind_hashnet/ipv4/inet_timewait_sock.csk->sk_state == TCP_CLOSEnet/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.csock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)!inet_sk(sk)->num || inet_csk(sk)->icsk_bind_hash!sock_owned_by_user(child)!sk->sk_ack_backlogreq != NULLinclude/net/request_sock.hchild != NULLnewsk->sk_state != TCP_SYN_RECVinet_csk(sk)->icsk_bind_hash == tb!req->sktcp_bind_buckettcp_init: Cannot alloc tcp_bind_bucket cache.TCP establishedTCP bind<6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established %d bind %d) !skb || before(tp->copied_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq)net/ipv4/tcp.c!sock_owned_by_user(sk)<6>TCP: too many of orphaned sockets <6>recvmsg bug: copied %X seq %X flags & MSG_PEEKtp->copied_seq == tp->rcv_nxt || (flags & (MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC))<7>TCP(%s:%d): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK. <1>dma_cookie < 0 !inet->num || icsk->icsk_bind_hashpackets <= tp->packets_outnet/ipv4/tcp_input.c(int)tp->sacked_out >= 0(int)tp->lost_out >= 0(int)tp->retrans_out >= 0(int)tcp_packets_in_flight(tp) >= 0<7>Leak l=%u %d <7>Leak s=%u %d <7>Leak r=%u %d tp->retrans_out == 0<7>Ack %u out of %u:%u <3>%s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d <7>prune_queue: c=%x <7>ofo packet was already received <7>ofo requeuing : rcv_next %X seq %X - %X !before(tp->rcv_nxt, sp->end_seq)<7>partial packet: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <6>tcp_parse_options: Illegal window scaling value %d >14 received. <7>retrans_out leaked. <7>tcp_send_synack: wrong queue state <6>Out of socket memory !skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_write_queue)net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c<7>TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer %u.%u.%u.%u:%u/%u shrinks window %u:%u. Repaired. Failed to create the TCP control socket. %-*s sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %u %u %u %u %d%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %u %d %p%4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %pnet/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.ctcp<6>TCP: time wait bucket table overflow tcp_%s<3>TCP %s does not implement required ops <5>TCP %s already registered <6>TCP %s registered %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p<6>%s forgot to set AF_INET in raw sendmsg. Fix it! udpIP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device %-16s 0x%-10x0x%-10x%s * %s 00:00:00:00:00:00arpipv4<7>trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID <7>arp_find is called with dst==NULL <7>ARP: arp called for own IP address arp_cacheFailed to create the ICMP control socket. <6>Wrong address mask %u.%u.%u.%u from %s/%u.%u.%u.%u <4>%u.%u.%u.%u sent an invalid ICMP type %u, code %u error to a broadcast: %u.%u.%u.%u on %s !idev->ifa_listnet/ipv4/devinet.c!idev->mc_listFreeing alive in_device %p devinet: Failed to create loopback <7>inetdev_event: bug !ifa->ifa_devforwardingmc_forwardingaccept_redirectssecure_redirectsshared_mediarp_filtersend_redirectsaccept_source_routeproxy_arpmedium_idbootp_relaylog_martianstagarp_filterarp_announcearp_ignorearp_acceptdisable_xfrmdisable_policyforce_igmp_versionpromote_secondariesconf(1 << sk2->sk_state) & (TCPF_ESTABLISHED | TCPF_CLOSE_WAIT | TCPF_CLOSE)net/ipv4/af_inet.c<3>Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d. <3>Attempt to override permanent protocol %d. <3>Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d. <2>inet_init: Cannot add ICMP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add UDP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add TCP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add IGMP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mibs net-pf-%d-proto-%d-type-%danswer_prot->slab != NULL<6>%s(): shifting inet->saddr from %d.%d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d.%d Attempt to release TCP socket in state %d %p Attempt to release alive inet socket %p Idx Device : Count Querier Group Users Timer Reporter V3V1V2%d %-10s: %5d %7s %08X %5d %d:%08lX %d net/ipv4/igmp.c%3s %6s %10s %10s %6s %6s IdxDeviceMCASRCINCEXC%3d %6.6s 0x%08x 0x%08x %6lu %6lu igmpmcfiltertcp_timestampstcp_window_scalingtcp_sacktcp_retrans_collapseip_forwardip_default_ttlip_no_pmtu_discip_nonlocal_bindtcp_syn_retriestcp_synack_retriestcp_max_orphanstcp_max_tw_bucketsipfrag_high_threshipfrag_low_threship_dynaddripfrag_timetcp_keepalive_timetcp_keepalive_probestcp_keepalive_intvltcp_retries1tcp_retries2tcp_fin_timeouttcp_tw_recycletcp_abort_on_overflowtcp_stdurgtcp_rfc1337tcp_max_syn_backlogip_local_port_rangeicmp_echo_ignore_allicmp_echo_ignore_broadcastsicmp_ignore_bogus_error_responsesicmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddrrouteigmp_max_membershipsigmp_max_msfinet_peer_thresholdinet_peer_minttlinet_peer_maxttlinet_peer_gc_mintimeinet_peer_gc_maxtimetcp_orphan_retriestcp_facktcp_reorderingtcp_ecntcp_dsacktcp_memtcp_wmemtcp_rmemtcp_app_wintcp_adv_win_scaleicmp_ratelimiticmp_ratemasktcp_tw_reusetcp_frtotcp_low_latencyipfrag_secret_intervalipfrag_max_disttcp_no_metrics_savetcp_moderate_rcvbuftcp_tso_win_divisortcp_congestion_controltcp_abctcp_mtu_probingtcp_base_msstcp_workaround_signed_windowstcp_dma_copybreaktcp_slow_start_after_idle<7>fib_add_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <7>fib_del_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL Freeing alive fib_info %p <7>impossible 102 Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT%s %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u* %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %uip_fib_haship_fib_alias<2>route.c: bad divisor %d! 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