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This kernel is version %s. They don't match! Check that the module is usable with the current kernel, recompile the module and try again. Trying to load it anyway..._RrmmodksymsinsmodVersion 2.0.0 Usage: insmod [-fkmopsvVxX] [-o name] module [[sym=value]...] module Filename of a loadable kernel module (*.o) -f Force loading under wrong kernel version -k Make module (autoclean)-able -m Generate loadmap (so crashes can be traced) -o name Set internal modulname to name -p Poll mode, just check if the module matches the kernel -s Report errors via syslog -v Verbose output -V Show version -x do *not* export externs -X *do* export externs /lib/modules/%s/persist.gdbmget_kernel_sys failed: Cannot find Kernel symbols!Kernel symbol problem#_Using_VersionsUsing_Versions.o.modMODPATH:%s:%s/%srCannot open %sCould not read header of %s%s: %sELF%s: not an object fileyesnoversioned kernel: %s versioned module: %sa.out%s kernel %s moduleinit_modulecleanup_modulemod_use_count_bss2 sym %X, size =%7d: %s%s: wrong version or undefined%s undefinedLoading failed! The module symbols (from linux-%s) don't match your linux-%s-oSymbol '%s' not found%x%o%dA module named %s already existsCannot allocate space for modulecreate_module_Initialization of %s failed%X %c %s %s needed, but can't be found/proc/modulesStrange reference in /proc/modules: '%s' used by '%s'?usage: rmmod [-r] [-s] module ... -r-a-susage: rmmod [-r] module ...module '%s' not loadedmodule '%s' is in use!/dev/kmemUsage: ksyms [-a] [-h] Address Symbol Defined by %lX --- (%dk) --- [%s] %lX %s [%s] GCC: (GNU) 2.7.2.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment@W(! L= +(1 LN ;)@)F,)) NU2g2W4  `: `&l2p=tExV2br@D(@''@|pH`dh1 @1'.6>E}JRZ!`$fw~4@! 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