The `set` command sets _lots_ of options. No screen is drawn, however, until a `plot`, `splot`, or `replot` command is given. The `show` command shows their settings. `show all` shows all the settings. Subtopics available for set: angles arrow autoscale bar bmargin border boxwidth clabel clip cntrparam contour data dgrid3d dummy encoding format function grid hidden3d isosamples key label linestyle lmargin locale logscale mapping margin missing multiplot mx2tics mxtics my2tics mytics mztics noarrow noautoscale noborder noclabel noclip nocontour nodgrid3d nogrid nohidden3d nokey nolabel nolinestyle nologscale nomultiplot nomx2tics nomxtics nomy2tics nomytics nomztics nooffsets noparametric nopolar nosurface notime nox2dtics nox2mtics nox2tics nox2zeroaxis noxdtics noxmtics noxtics noxzeroaxis noy2dtics noy2mtics noy2tics noy2zeroaxis noydtics noymtics noytics noyzeroaxis nozdtics nozeroaxis nozmtics noztics offsets origin output parametric pointsize polar rmargin rrange samples size style surface term terminal tics ticscale ticslevel time timefmt title tmargin trange urange view vrange x2data x2dtics x2label x2mtics x2range x2tics x2zeroaxis xdata xdtics xlabel xmtics xrange xtics xzeroaxis y2data y2dtics y2label y2mtics y2range y2tics y2zeroaxis ydata ydtics ylabel ymtics yrange ytics yzeroaxis zdata zdtics zero zeroaxis zlabel zmtics zrange ztics